Chapter 30

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"Hop said that Eddie never asked about borrowing the cabin this year," Mary commented as she ran the fabric through her sewing machine, working on Lyric's costume.

This year she wanted to be Winifred from Hocus Pocus after Dani had shown her the movie last Halloween. She'd scoured the stores but could not find a pre-made costume. Leave it to her mom to come through, saying it was no big deal to just make one. Thank god because Dani couldn't sew a stitch to save her life.

So, here she sat in her mom's living room, curled up on the couch, enjoying a cup of coffee, watching her mom sew her daughter's Halloween costume. Eddie had the kids. Dustin, Mike, and Gareth were coming over to hang out so the kids would have plenty of goofy man children to amuse them for the afternoon. And, quite honestly, Dani was enjoying just sitting with her mom in the quiet. Eddie had told her to take all the time she wanted. He was really trying to do better these last few months with letting her have a break now and then and she appreciated it.

"Yeah, no...Eddie got offered a lot of overtime this month and it let us catch up on some bills, which was great," Dani answered. "But it meant we didn't really have a weekend that worked. He worked four Saturdays in a row. Last Saturday was his first one off so I told him to just head out and enjoy his day. He jammed with Jeff and Gareth for a bit and just relaxed. Then today he told me to do the same." She shrugged.

"Oh, I'm sorry honey. I know how much you love your weekends alone up there," Mary empathized, holding up the fabric and folding it over before working on the next seam. "I know your anniversary was a few weeks ago but that doesn't mean you couldn't go on a different weekend. Hop and I head up there about once a month. The woods are awfully pretty in the winter too and when it's cold, that's just all the more reason to curl up together for warmth."

Dani cringed slightly at the thought of her mom and Hop, all curled up on the bed, the same bed where...ick. No. She was not going to let her mind go there. If her mind was going to go anywhere, it was going to be on her and Eddie all curled up. Her and Eddie hadn't done anything in a bed or anywhere else for a month and she was seriously about to lose it. He'd been working so much, so tired when he got home, that he didn't even try to make a move, unheard of her him, the man of many hormones. She'd tried to wake him up last week after waking from a rather sexy dream about him but he'd been dead to the world and she'd given up, heading to the shower to take care of it herself before going to bed, still frustrated, her own hand never enough. She was trying not to let it get to her, trying to think that she was the problem, but that proving harder.

"I know we could," she smiled, nodding. "I'll have to talk to Eddie about it and see. The problem is, he never knows when they're going to offer him overtime so we could plan it and then not be able to go anyway." Dani paused, nibbling at her bottom lip as a thought struck her. "Hey mom, do you and Hop have any plans tonight?"

Mary tilted her head, forehead scrunching as she thought before finally shaking her head, "No, I don't think so."

"Do you think maybe you could take the kids overnight?"

Her mom smiled, "Of course. I am always happy to have my grandbabies. You know that." She wiggled her shoulders suggestively. "Is someone craving a little alone time with her husband?"

"Mom," she huffed, embarrassed. "Why do you always do that?"

"Do what?"

"Doesn't it disturb you to think about your daughter having sex?"

Mary laughed, leaning forward, "My daughter who has birthed two children? My daughter who has been in love with the same boy since she was twelve? I am well aware that my daughter has sex. I don't want to see it, but what I do want to see is you being happy. And I have been on this earth long enough to know that for a marriage to be happy there needs to be a healthy amount of intimacy so yes, I am very happy that you and Eddie want to have sex. Because if you didn't, then we might have a problem."

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