Chapter 19

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"Nope," Steve stated, running in front of her and grabbing the box out of the back of his car before Dani could get to it. "Don't even think about it." He turned to her, giving her his best mom look. "You take your pregnant self into that house and sit down. We already told you, you are not lifting any of these boxes."

	Eddie could see the annoyance on his wife's face as she argued, "I'm only three months pregnant

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Eddie could see the annoyance on his wife's face as she argued, "I'm only three months pregnant. I'm not even that far along. I can carry a damn box of towels. It's not that heavy."

"Princess, maybe you're not that far along but none of us wants anything to happen," he interjected, gesturing to the gang that was around them. Mike, Will, and Dustin were heading into the house with boxes. Hopper and Jonathan were easing their mattress out of the back of his truck. Robin and Nancy were just coming back out of the house with Lyric, who thought she was helping by carrying in a single item at a time. Mary was directing everyone from the front porch. "Do you see the ridiculous amount of help we have? There's no reason for you to have to carry anything."

"I feel bad," Dani groaned. "All these people are here, moving all of our shit, and you expect me to just go sit on my ass and watch? I can't do that."

"Okay, then why don't you go start unpacking?" offered Eddie.

Dani pursed her lips, clearly still annoyed but caving. She rolled her eyes, "Fine. I'll start unpacking."

As she made her way past them and up to the house, Steve yelled, "Nothing heavy!"

Dani stuck up her middle finger without even looking back and Eddie burst into laughter. Steve was such a damn mom. He could never turn off his babysitter persona, only made worse since he had started school to become a teacher. He only had one more year to go but Eddie swore he was even more protective since.

Steve pointed to her, looking over at Eddie, eyebrows raised, "You know, your wife can be a massive pain in the ass."

"Oh, I am well aware," he agreed, grabbing a box marked kitchen and making his way into the house, Steve following behind him with another box.

"You know, we could build a swing set right out back there," Uncle Wayne said, coming up behind them with bags from Benny's Burgers. He'd done a food run, Dani and Eddie's thank you to all their friends and family for their help today.

Eddie smiled, "I figured you'd say that."

"You name the time and place and I'll bring the beer," Hopper interjected, him and Jonathan coming back down the stairs after depositing the mattress in the bedroom.

"Alcohol and power tools?" Mary mused, opening up some paper plates. "Sounds like a winning combination."

"Don't want us getting dehydrated while we're doing manual labor. That's dangerous, my dear," Hopper explained, pressing a kiss to her cheek as he made his way to the fridge, pulling out cases of pop.

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