Chapter 32

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Dani drove home from work, windows down, enjoying the warm breeze, so welcome after a long Indiana winter. She had the music turned up, singing along to Alanis's Jagged Little Pill album. She felt relaxed, excited for the weekend because Eddie was actually off. He did not have to work a Saturday shift and they were going to have him for two whole glorious days. Two full days of a relaxed, happy, fully rested Eddie.

They planned on heading to the beach tomorrow for a picnic. The water would be too cold to enjoy just yet but they could stick their feet in and the kids could play in the sand. They could go for a long walk through the woods and just be together, nothing looming over their head that absolutely had to be done.

She'd even prepared for it yesterday, doing all the laundry and cleaning the house, stopping at the grocery store, so they could genuinely relax for the weekend. They hadn't had one where Eddie didn't work in over two months so it was a cause for celebration. She'd bought stuff for s'mores and burgers to cook on the grill, munchies for movie nights, splurging a bit but after two months of overtime they could afford a little extra at the grocery store. They were almost caught up on all their bills and she was hoping he could maybe turn down the overtime for a bit.

She pulled into the drive, shutting off the car and grabbing her purse from the passenger seat. Eddie's van was already in the drive which meant he'd grabbed the kids from his uncle. Heading up the steps, she pushed open the door, frowning when she walked into an empty and way too silent house, not even Ozzy running to greet her.

"What the hell?" muttered Dani, stepping into the living room but seeing no family. She listened at the bottom of the steps but she couldn't hear any movement upstairs. Walking into the kitchen, she saw a Nerf gun lying on the kitchen table and set her purse down next to it, picking it up. Lying under it was a note.

Here's your weapon. We're all armed. Prepare yourself because you are currently under attack.


She didn't have time to finish that thought before her family came charging into the room, yelling, pelting her with Nerf bullets. Jett wasn't even coming close to hitting her but was laughing with glee at every single attempt. Lyric got her right between the eyes, cackling like a little psycho.

"What the hell?" shrieked Dani, dropping down under the table to shield herself from the onslaught of rubber bullets.

"Fight back, woman!" Eddie yelled and when she glanced up over the top of the table, she saw he had ducked around the corner. "We have you surrounded, Dani! You better grab your weapon!"

Oh, like hell she was going out without a fight. Reaching on top of the table, she grabbed her plastic weapon. She stepped lightly around the side of the table, Nerf gun ready in her hand. Jett stood out in the open, oblivious to the danger he was exposing himself to, but she had no intention of shooting her baby. Lyric was dropped down next to the cabinet. Dani sidestepped quickly and shot her right in the stomach.

"Got ya!" she yelled.

"Daddy! Help!" Lyric shrieked as Dani hit her in the arm and leg as well, her daughter trying to shoot back but struggling to aim properly as she was trying to avoid being hit.

"I got your back ladybug!" he roared, coming around the corner but Dani was ready for him. She pulled her trigger and a bullet hit him straight in the nose. "Son of a...biscuit!"

Dani laughed at his self-correction and then shot him again and again until she was out of bullets. She looked up, wide-eyed, knowing she was in trouble now. Eddie grinned, tongue slipping between his teeth and ran at her, grabbing her arms and pinning them behind her back so she faced Lyric.

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