Chapter 12

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The sun beamed through the window, shining down and casting Dani in a glow of golden hue as she slept on her back, one arm flung above her head, dark curls shining, her natural red highlights blazing throughout them. Eddie lay next to her, propped up on his elbow, cheek resting on his hand, just watching her sleep. His wife. Shit. That sounded so nice.

He'd never really thought too much about that word over the course of his younger life, wife, because he never thought he'd have one. Eddie hadn't put too much stock in relationships or marriage growing up. He'd never even seen one until Dani's parents and what they had just seemed too damn good to be true. Two people loving each other forever was insane, crazy, impossible. All he'd ever known was an absent mom and a dad who was never around. Two people who came together, made a kid, and then acted like it never happened, like it didn't matter. He looked at Dani's parents and wondered how it was possible, figuring they were just the exception.

But with Dani, all of that changed. All of those words he used to roll his eyes and scoff at: wife, spouse, soulmate, kindred spirit, forever, true love...they all made glaring sense to him now. All that shit that was in all those romance movies and fairy tales didn't seem so ridiculous anymore. She was the only person who truly knew him, the only person who really saw him. She was his best friend, his lover, his other half. She was the person who completed him. She made him better, made him want to be a better man for her, for their daughter. She was a mirror, showing him all the best parts of himself, seeing in him what he'd never been able to. Dani was his entire goddamn world wrapped up in the most beautiful package. 

 "Mrs. Munson," he whispered, fingertips trailing up her arm, smirking when she shivered under the sheet. "Dani Munson." His fingers slid over her collarbone, the column of her throat. "Danielle Munson." Fingers fluttering across her jaw. "My wife..." His thumb traced over her bottom lip, fingers caressing her cheek. "Mrs. Munson." He kept repeating the words like a mantra, lips now joining in, soft kisses pressed beneath her ear, along the side of her neck as fingers slid the sheet down, revealing her breasts. His thumb ran over her nipple, already hardened to a little peak and she moaned softly, turning her head. Her eyes opened and when she saw him, the smile she gave him absolutely took his breath away. His wife, haloed in the soft light of morning, so happy to wake up to his face, was the most incredible thing he'd ever seen.

 "Well, good morning husband," she murmured softly.

"Good morning, wife," he purred, nuzzling his nose over hers, slipping his hand down between their bodies, fingers gliding through her slick to lazily circle around her clit.

"Jesus...what a wake-up call..." breathed Dani, eyes closing, lips parted. "Someone's ready to go this morning."

"Three times last night just wasn't enough," Eddie replied, smiling against her skin, his tongue tracing over her collarbone as her hips slowly rocked up to meet his hand. "I can't get enough of my beautiful, sexy wife...Mrs. Munson. Fuck, I love saying that so much."

"I know. You kept saying it over and..." Her breath hitched as Eddie slid two fingers inside of her, his thumb keeping steady pressure on her clit, slow tiny circles. "Over and over last night...shit...yes..."

"I love it because you are now truly mine," he growled, nipping at the tender flesh on her neck. "The whole world knows you are mine. You have my name."

"I've...always...goddamn, baby...been yours..."

"Yeah, but this feels different," whispered Eddie, his tongue rolling over her nipple, grinning when her hips bucked up from the bed. He fucking loved how undone he could make her, how she gave herself over to him completely, how uninhibited she'd become with him over the years. "We stood in front of all our friends and family and swore this is forever. You and me."

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