Chapter 7

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Dani placed one candle into the yellow icing of the Funshine Bear cake that her mom had made for Lyric's first birthday party. Robin and Vickie had come home for the party and helped Dani deck out their small living room and kitchen with yellow balloons, streamers, and a big banner displaying a picture from each month of her daughter's life.

	She glanced at the photos, a nostalgic smile for the tiny baby her daughter had once been gracing her face

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She glanced at the photos, a nostalgic smile for the tiny baby her daughter had once been gracing her face. There were her and Eddie in the hospital, his chin resting on her shoulder as he laid next to her in the bed, both of them gazing adoringly at their sweet little peanut. There was Lyric sleeping in her bouncer at one month old. Two month old Lyric wearing the little bunny outfit that Steve and Tina had bought her for her first Easter. Their daughter at three months old, cradled in the arms of her grandpa Wayne as she gazed up at him adoringly, that man one of her favorites from day one. On and on it went. Four month old Lyric with grandma and Hop. Five month old Lyric decked out in red, white, and blue, cuddled between Dani and Eddie at her mom's annual cookout. Her at six months old, sitting at Eddie's feet, watching her dad strum his guitar, eyes awestruck, huge smile, still one of her favorite things in the world. She would immediately begin bouncing when she saw him grab his guitar. Lyric at seven months, her face covered in mashed peas, her little mouth screwed up in distaste. She never did like them, preferring sweet potatoes and peaches. Eight month old Lyric at Halloween, dressed as a fuzzy little Chewbacca to Eddie's Han and Dani's Leia. Eddie had insisted on taking her trick or treating even though she was too young for candy. Dani knew it was because he wanted to show off his kid and, well, he wanted the candy. Nine month old Lyric dressed as a turkey with Aunt Robin and Aunt Vickie, each of them kissing one of her chubby cheeks. Lyric's first Christmas at ten months, her family dressed in matching jammies sitting in front of the tree. A little bundled up Lyric, her face screwed up unhappily as Eddie had sat her in the snow for Dani to get a picture, the sun glaring off the bright white and into her little eyes. And one taken just this morning, all smiles with her two front teeth, hands gripping the rail of her crib, excited to see Daddy entering her room.

Dani sighed, knowing no matter how much she wanted it to, time would never slow down. Her daughter was only going to keep growing. She was moments away from walking, pulling herself up and taking a couple tentative steps before falling on her bottom. And the way Eddie was encouraging her, constantly on the floor saying come to daddy, it was going to happen any day. It was only a matter of time before she was running around, Eddie and Dani struggling to keep up with her.

Lifting the cake, she made her way into the living room where all the most important people in their life had gathered to celebrate their daughter's first year of life. Eddie sat on the floor, Lyric in his lap, and Dani set the cake on the coffee table in front of them. Hopper reached in his pocket for his lighter and leaned over, lighting the solitary candle before they all burst into song.

Lyric jumped, her eyes going wide in surprise, moving from one face to the other as she tried to figure out what was going on, whether she should cry or not. Her eyes made their way to Eddie, her safety net, and Dani's heart melted at how her daughter instantly relaxed at her dad's reassuring smile. He rubbed her belly, grinning widely at her to let her know it was okay and she giggled.

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