Chapter 29

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Eddie held onto Dani's hand as they chatted with Steve, Lyric and Emily skipping ahead of them through the mall. Dustin and Mike had offered to hang out with Jett and James so they could take the older two girls to the movies. Lyric had been bugging them for weeks about seeing The Lion King when it came out, forcing them to stop what they were doing and watch whenever a preview came on.

His little girl had definitely inherited her mother's love of Disney movies. Eddie had lost track of the amount of hours he'd spent on the couch, his little girl cuddled into his side, watching Belle rescue the Beast, watching Eric drive the boat into Ursula, watching Aladdin and Jasmine fly through the sky on their magic carpet. Mary still had all of the VHS tapes from when Dani was young so they'd even shown her some of the older classics.

"Man, Lyric is definitely ready for this movie," Steve laughed, watching their daughter lead the charge.

"You have no idea," Eddie snorted. "This is all she's talked about since she saw the first preview. There was no getting out of bringing her to this movie."

"Nope, but also, I really want to see it too," Dani smiled, shrugging a shoulder.

He laughed, pressing a kiss to her temple, "I know you do. My girl will always be a Disney kid at heart. She's shown Lyric all of her childhood favorites. Nothing but dead parents, break-out sing-a-longs, and talking animals going on in our house."

"Oh whatever," Dani snorted, rolling her eyes, elbowing him in his side, "as if you don't love those movies too."

"Me?" he exclaimed innocently, pressing his fingers into his chest.

"Yeah, you. Don't act like I haven't caught you singing 'Be Our Guest' as you're setting the dinner table or crying when Jumbo is rocking Dumbo in her trunk. Like I didn't catch you watching Aladdin all alone, singing 'Friend Like Me.' Oh, and let's not forget the time you reenacted Ariel's hair flip at the lake while belting 'Part of Our World.'"

"Ugh...that was for our daughter," argued Eddie. "I was just being a good dad. Lyric wanted me to do that. It was completely her idea. And I was only watching Aladdin alone because I'd had it on for the kids and they took a nap. I just hadn't bothered to shut it off yet."

"Yeah, I'm sure that's what it was," Steve laughed. "Because you'd never want a good excuse to show off that mop of hair or watch a Disney movie all alone, would you? I bet you've been waiting all your life to have a good hair flip moment."

"Shut it, Harrington," Eddie huffed, shoving him in the arm.

"Man, I'm just teasing you. I love Disney movies." Steve shrugged. "Tina hates kids movies but it works out for me because then I always get to take Emily to see them. Aladdin! I mean, come on. You have to admit that movie was amazing."

Eddie tilted his head, looking at Steve, one eyebrow raised. Steve sighed, shaking his head.

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