Chapter 6

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"Merry Christmas, princess," Eddie murmured, pressing a kiss to Dani's forehead.

She slowly opened her eyes to find him hovering over her, Santa hat on his head, black boxers with little Rudolphs all over them, and nothing else. Dani smiled, her arms winding around his neck and pulling him down to her, her lips finding his, her body instantly responding to his bare skin pressed against hers.

	"Why are you so bright eyed and bushy tailed this early in the morning?" she whispered

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"Why are you so bright eyed and bushy tailed this early in the morning?" she whispered. "You don't usually rise until at least ten when you don't have to."

"It's Christmas," Eddie answered, his nose nuzzling into her neck. "It's our first Christmas in our own place as a family. Besides..." His fingers grabbed the strap of her pajama top, guiding it over her shoulder and down her arm. "I'm way too eager to unwrap what Santa brought for me. I have to say, the packaging is absolutely perfect."

Lyric, with her usual impeccable timing, chose that moment to let out a hungry wail. Dani sighed, covering her eyes with her hand as Eddie groaned, shoving his face into the pillow next to her head. She laughed as Lyric released another, louder cry, letting them know she would not be ignored. Their daughter was perfection but she seriously lacked in the patience department.

Dani's hand cradled the back of Eddie's head, "I promise you will get to unwrap your present before Christmas is over. She has to nap this afternoon, you know?"

Eddie lifted his head, left eyebrow raised, a smirk on his face, "That's right. I forgot about the beauty of the time of day that is naptime. Alright, you go feed our cockblock of a daughter and I will go get the coffee going. You want some pancakes?"

"Ohh yes!" Dani grinned, wiggling her shoulders in anticipation. "And can you..."

"Add chocolate chips?" he asked, anticipating her request before she could voice it. "You got it, princess." He pressed a quick kiss to her lips before rising from the bed and heading to the kitchen to get everything started.

Dani pulled the comforter back, stretching her arms over her head to work out the kinks before heading next door to her daughter's room. Lyric was standing, holding onto the rail of the crib, her face red and scrunched up in annoyance at being made to wait. At the sight of her mom in the doorway, that anger dissipated, replaced with a large, gummy smile, her two front teeth sticking out as she began to bounce.

"Well, Merry Christmas baby girl," Dani called out. She lifted her daughter from the crib and settled into the rocker to feed her. Dani loved this time with her sweet girl. Lyric's eyes always locked onto Dani's as she fed, as if in this moment the two of them were entirely connected. Dani was planning to wean her once she was a year old. Lyric was eating solids as well as breast milk at this point but Dani couldn't say she wouldn't miss this closeness with her child. She hummed softly, her fingers stroking over Lyric's wispy hair that was darkening more and more each month.

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