Chapter 27

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Dani opened cupboards, placing their purchases from the grocery store inside. They hadn't bought much since they only needed enough to get through the weekend. This was their fifth year spending their anniversary weekend at the cabin. It wasn't actually their anniversary. That had been on Wednesday but they were celebrating it now. She had been overjoyed when Eddie said he was able to get the whole weekend off. 

She loved how they kept this little tradition alive. It was a weekend she looked forward to every single year, getting away from the kids, just her and Eddie alone for two blissful nights and three heavenly days. They would head out on the little rowboat in the lake, roast marshmallows over the fire, cuddle under the stars, go for long walks in the woods, and spend hours wrapped up in each other in bed, a tangle of limbs and sweat soaked skin. It was just what they needed to reconnect, to find the people they used to be before they became parents.

Dani felt like it was even more important this year. Her and Eddie had fought more in the past year than they ever had. He was trying. She had to give him that but he would still come home every now and again in a foul mood and the whole house would suffer for it. He was working so hard. Dani knew he was. With the overtime he worked, she often felt like she barely saw him and when she did, he was so tired and crabby. If she asked him to help with anything, he would snap. It didn't happen all the time but it seemed like once a month they got thundercloud Eddie and inevitably it ended with Dani crying and him promising to be better. And he would be for a while, but then it happened all over again. They needed this weekend. He needed this weekend to just relax.

Bending over, Dani tucked the paper plates in a low cupboard and then squealed as something pressed against her ass. She sighed, knowing exactly what it was, what it always was because her husband had zero self control whenever she was bent forward.

"Mmm..." he hummed, thrusting against her playfully, his hands gripping the counter on either side of her. "I love the idea of you bent over this counter."

Dani laughed, standing upright, turning to face him, "You've had me over a counter Eddie. Multiple times over the course of our relationship if memory serves."

"Yeah, but not this at least a year." His tongue slipped out from between his teeth, his eyes glinting with mischief, eyebrows wiggling up and down.

"You are helpless."

"Look, you can't bend over in front of me and not expect me to do something about it." He crossed his arms, staring her down. "I mean, who could possibly resist that ass when it's all sticking out like that? You can't blame me. I am helpless when it comes to that thing. Just wanna take a bite out of that juicy peach."

	"Jesus," Dani laughed, pressing her hand into his chest, shoving him

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"Jesus," Dani laughed, pressing her hand into his chest, shoving him. "Eddie Munson, control yourself."

"Why?" he snorted. "That's why we come here so I don't have to control myself." His hands grabbed her hips, pressing her flush against him and her eyes went wide at the feel of his erection pressing against her lower stomach. "Do you see what you do to me, princess?" His tongue darted out, running up her neck and she sucked in a shaky breath. "I bring you to this cabin so I can fuck you senseless, so I can make you scream as loud as I want, so I can have you on every surface, in every way imaginable."

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