Chapter 22

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"Hold still, baby. You're almost ready," Dani urged her five year old daughter as she curled the last of her hair, standing back to look at her work. "Oh my god. You are so cute!"

"Mom..." Lyric sighed, rolling her eyes.

"Oh stop. I'm allowed to think you're adorable. You're five, girl. Calm down. You have plenty of years to be annoyed with me."

Lyric laughed as Dani spun her around so she could see herself in the mirror. Her daughter's smile told her everything she needed to know. Her little girl was more than pleased with her costume. She was Belle from Beauty and the Beast, her new favorite movie since it had come out last year. Dani couldn't blame her. It had quickly become her favorite Disney movie too. She cried every single time at the end when Belle finally told the Beast that she loved him.

Luckily, Lyric already had the dress thanks to Aunt Robin who'd bought it for her a couple months ago to add to her dress up box. That had definitely saved them some cash for her costume. Dani had done her hair and added minimal make-up. They'd pulled out some of her dress-up shoes, a pair of long gloves, and some of her play jewelry to finish off the look and her little girl looked just like a princess.

"Are we ready up there?" called Eddie from downstairs. "Steve and the kids are going to be here in about five minutes!"

Dani and Lyric made their way down the stairs, Lyric holding onto her mom with one hand and the banister with the other. Eddie turned and grinned when he saw his daughter. Dani caught the subtle wipe of his eye that he did, fooling no one. Eddie had never had any trouble showing emotion but he was definitely softer after becoming a dad, tearing up at the slightest things.

"Am I as pretty as Belle, Daddy?" asked Lyric.

Eddie snorted, "So much prettier! And..." He walked over to the stroller, lifting their six month old son up. "Here's your beast!"

Jett giggled as Eddie tilted him from side to side. He looked adorable in the lion costume that Steve had given them to borrow from when Emily was little and they did a Wizard of Oz family costume. Mary had sewn him a little blue vest and just like that, Lyric had a little Beast to tag along with her tonight.

"Roar!" she yelled playfully at Jett, tickling his belly and he laughed, reaching for his sister.

Eddie set him back in the stroller. Lyric knelt down in front of her little brother, making faces at him, amusing him and making him laugh was one of her favorite things. He walked over to Dani, placing a hand on her hip and pulling her to him.

"If I may say so, you look amazing," he told her, wiggling his eyebrows playfully. "In fact, I might go so far as to say you slay me, sweetheart."

Dani laughed, whacking him in the arm, "So corny, but thank you. You look pretty good yourself."

Dani had become obsessed with the movie 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer.' When it came to picking costumes, it was a fairly easy one because they had most of what they needed right in their closets. For Pike, Eddie wore some torn jeans, a white tee, and a flannel. There would be no cutting of the hair. Dani wouldn't have allowed it anyway, but he pulled it back and had even spent the last couple weeks growing the little soul patch to finish off the look.

 Dani wouldn't have allowed it anyway, but he pulled it back and had even spent the last couple weeks growing the little soul patch to finish off the look

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