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(Underlined stuff are flashbacks.)

Marinette's pov:
"Dear passengers welcome come to Gotham. Thank you for choosing ....airline we hope you had a good flight and that we'll be able to see you soon on another one of our flights. We ask you to please stay seated until the plane stops moving."
As usual many people disregarded this request thinking that they will get of the plane faster which is "Ridicules utterly Riiidicules".
When I stood up almost every one was of the plane. My walk to the "Home" was quiet interesting.
I got stud up at the airport by my uber driver, which wouldn't have been a problem because I got G-maps, only thing is that the Streets weren't on the app. Don't get me wrong the city as a whole was on the map but that was it.
One internet search later, I found out that the villains of this city see it as a competition between each other to shoot any and all vehicles that attempt to map out their city.
So I had to ask people how to find my way around. The first woman was very nice she couldn't help me find the place but told me how to find a cafe.  I wasn't hungry so I walked out with a cup coffee and accidentally bumped into a man. Nothing spilled since my cup had a lid. When I wanted to apologise the man turned .
He looked like a deranged hobo that was on crack. He supported my thesis by proceeding to screamed in my face and running away returning a few seconds later snatching my cup and running away again still screaming, leaving me behind in the same position contemplating what just happened.
When my brain started working again I noticed a boy with messy blonde hair laughing on the other side of the Street. He was tall and thin with muscles that were slightly visible under his loose hanging white t-shirt, baggy black pants and high black and white sneakers.
I couldn't help giggling." I'm glad you're having your fun" I said.
He walked over, after he wiped a tear away he cleared his throat. " Sorry I just... It looked hilarious. I'm Nicolas by the way." He said and offered his hand to shake.
"I'm Marinette, it's nice to meet you." He had a firm shake. Getting a closer look at his face I could see he had a sharp jawline, freckles and light blue eyes with a hint of green at the edges and thin lips.
He was my age maybe a little older."I'm sorry about your Coffee though." My heart skipped a beat.
"I'm sorry about your coffee though. What a sad waste." He looked sad. I cleared my throat.
" No it's fine, joke's on him it was almost empty anyway. " I laughed.
" Judging by your suitcase and your slight accent you're not from here?","Yes and I'm moving here, I kind of wanted to disappear for a while."
" And you chose Gotham?! Haha. I'm glad to be the one to tell you this, sugar, you hit the jackpot. Maybe a bit too well.", "I'm sorry? ", " Oh you know disappear in the literal sense."
"I'll be fine."I rolled my eyes.
" Why, don't you know the city swallows up little girls like you?" He asked and came closer to my face with his.
I shoved my phone with the address in his face. " You know wher this is?" I asked unimpressed.
He pulled back and looked at it "That's on the other side of town. Watch'ya doing  here? "
" Uber ditched me at the airport. So I'm just strolling around.", " You know it's the craziest coincidence.", he said with fake astonishment.
I fake gasped "Tell me?" ," I was about to visit a friend.", " Mhm. Let me guess this friend of yours lives near there." He nodded.
"Would you like to have a companion on your quest, adventurer?" He asked in a weird voice.
" Company sounds nice. Yeah... I'd like that" He gave me a smile, before I could protest he took my suitcase and insisted he'd pull it for me.
"Wow a real gentleman huh?", " Of course, mama did raise no thoug." He wriggled with his eyebrows. "But maybe a fool or two. " I teased.
"Just one. Only child. Now you tell me something 'bout yourself ". " Hmm I'm also an only child, I used to live in Paris in an apartment with my parents over their bakery, I skipped a grade, I want to be a fashion designer and I'm very clumsy. Now you."
" Okay I live in a house with my mom and auntie, I barely passed last school year, I'm interested in game design and I'm the kid in school no one wants to be friends with.",  "Oh my God same!"  He starred at me.
" Surely not. I mean look at you. Why wouldn't they want to be friends with you?", " Are you... flirting with me?" I teased.
"I guess I am. Oh and another thing you should know about me.." he said getting close to my ear.
"I think that black haired girls are attractive." He whispered. I looked at him. He winked and my face got hot immediately than he left me standing like an idiot.
" H-hey you can't say that and just keep walking! " I screamed. " Guess what? I just did." He teased.
I snorted and jogged to catch up to him. " Wait a minute,if no one wants to be your friend who are you visiting?". I smiled.  " Oh wow did you see that bird?" He asked looking up into the Sky avoiding my eyes. I just laughed.

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