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Tim's pov:
I bolted down the hall towards the elevator. "Wait!" I screamed. But it was to late. Dick couldn't hold the door open anymore. Damn it! I ran to the stairs . It's only ....7 flights.
I went down as fast as I could. When I reached the lobby .I heard someone yell. "Mr. Drake!" I came to a halt and turned in that direction.
At that moment there was a camera flash it blinded me momentarily. "Tim." Bruce greated me.
"Great timing. The people from the daily Planet are already here as you ju..." he staired at me. I was a bit out of breath maybe my hair was a bit deshevelt but why'd he stop?
For some reason people began snapping pictures like crazy. Then it dawned on me and I looked down.
The coffee stain on my pants in the perfect spot made it look like I had peed myself.
Than I heard Marinettes voice next to me." Oh silly old me. I looked at tomorrows schedule. Mr. Drake you are supposed to hold a press tour with mr. Wayne right now. And look at that you're right on time. Don't worry about the stain sir it can happen to the best of us." She said and patted me on the shoulder. "Smile." She said and leaned against me making a peace sign as someone took a picture.

" She said and leaned against me making a peace sign as someone took a picture

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"It's just coffee and you know that." I hissed.
"I know sir that's why I said it happens to the best of us. Anyone can spill coffee. Oh here is your bag. " She said innocently.
I emidietly put my backpack in front of me.
I looked at Bruce." Do you need me for this one?" I asked. He shook his head.
I turned to Marinette and pointed at the elevator. She walked in that direction.
When we stepped in she loudly said" Wow mr. Drake that gives us so much time to look for a new makeup brand for you." Than the door closed.

Marinettes pov:
He slung the backpack over his shoulder.
His head slowly turned to me. "You have no idea what you just stated." He growled and walked towards me.
"You could have avoided all of this if you'd just fired me." I said my glare still strong but I stepped back towards the wall till I hit it. He slammed his hands next to both sides of my head against the wall. Basically trapping me. He leaned down next to my right ear and whispered.
"That little game of yours is futile. I won't fire you....You made an idiot out of me." He hissed.
"You did that with out my help.", "Do you seriously think you're going win this?" He laughed. I smiled and gave him a shrug."I think I like my chances... mr.Travers. " he involuntarily cringed at that last name. "Yo.."
The door opened and a kid in a uniform looked at us. "Drake. Mingling with the staff is highly unprofessional."
Oh the kid had  no idea. "Damian aren't you supposed to be in school." Tim asked and stepped out of the elevator and I followed."Do not dodge the subject. What are people going to think seeing you stuping so low....",
"Damian! ", "How charming. Shouldn't you leave? I'm pretty  sure someone is missing their garden gnome." I said.
There was dead silence.
He charged but Tim stepped between us holding him back. "Marinette go into my office and close the door!" He screamed as he struggled to hold him back. "I could take him." I said. "I'll slay her!!",
" Marinette!" , "That's Ms. Dupain Cen..","Now!","Fine." I groaned and walked to the office.

Tims pov:
"Remember what you were taught in anger management!" I screamed trying to keep him down as we rolled on the floor. "Ahh!"," Use your words!" He kicked me in the face but I held on."No!","Use your words!","I'll kill her. "
He screamed." Ugh you know that's not what I meant!" He pulled my hair as I pushed his face away .
The elevator door opened again. "What in the.."," Dick!...Help! Ahag..hurry!"
Together we held him down till he stopped resisting.
"I'll bring him back to the manor." Dick said and pushed Damian softly towards the elevator.
"Oh and Tim?","Hm?","Change you pants. If anyone sees you they'll think you peed yourself." ......

When I opened the door to my office I got tackled down, sat on, grabbed by the coler of my shirt and almost punched in the face. I blocked her fist and she stopped. "Oh it's you.", "Ofcourse it's me...wait.You thought I couldn't take him?" I asked as we got up. "Meh."She shrugged. I scoffed.
"Anyway... I apologise for my brother. He's an I.E.D. It stands for...",
" Intermittent explosive disorder. I know.  ". I stopped and looked at her confused. "I might have got tested for it after an incident. You...missed a lot."
"An incident? ","Yes." She answered in a tone that made clear she didn't want to explain. I'll definitely research that incident. She kept looking around the room. "What is it." I asked .
"Quite frankly Mr. Drake your office sucks."  She said rubbing her wrist. When she noticed that I staired she pulled her sleeve down. " What?" I asked, she rolled her eyes and groaned.
"There is no personality, no live,just plain boring." , "I like it." I muttered under my breath.
"Of course you do. It's just like you. Plain and boring."," Better than a room where everything is pink like cotton candy.",
" I was 13.","Not the last time I was there.",
" Well not everyone has enough money to redo their room when ever they feel like it."
" Talking about feeling like it Ms. Dupain-Ceng. After I've changed you'll take my pants to the laundromat. Oh and before I forget. My coffee is probably cold. You know what to do."
I smiled and went into the bedroom.


Jasons pov :

As I tried to get my keys out I heard someone stomping up the stairs. I turned around. " Hey"
She looked so done with the world she walked to her door without saying a word. "I'm guessing it didn't go to well?".
"No. It was perfect. Your Brother...very charming. " she said in a sarcastic tone and slammed the door shut.

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