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( Author's note.  If something is in brackets it from me the author and if something is underlined it's a flashback.)

Tim's pov:
He took a deep breath,"Sorry it's just... Marinette is a bit nervous..","Who?" I interrupted .
"Marinette dupain-Ceng my neighbour. " I gulped "She's  going to be at work? Tomorrow? " My voice pitched.
"Yes that's what I said. Tha' heck is wrong with you? You look like I slapped you in the face." I shook my head. "I-it's nothing." I said feeling a lump in my throat.
Why?why her!? "I'll look out for her." Always was my first thought. Than I caught myself. No!
She broke up with me!
" Why did she chose Gotham. Didn't her parents have an issue with moving here?"
I knew for a fact that Tom and Sabine would be against that.
" She's emancipated.", "So she's alone here!?" She's going to get killed.
"Yeah that's why I'm gonna look out for her and ask you to do the same at work." Her parents would have never let her.
Does she know I work there? When we where dating I gave her a fake last name because I wanted real love not because of my family name. Was she looking for me? "I don't ever want to see your face again!!" She screamed. No she wouldn't come looking.
"How come she chose Wayne enterprise?", "Her uncle set her up for this aparently he and Bruce are old friends."
" Did-did  you tell her about me?", "Kinda. She knowes that I'm Bruces' adopted son and that you are a coffee addict cause she one too but I only called you replacement."
I remember . I remember waking up to the sweet smell of her self made coffee and her soothing voice wishing me a good morning. " I shook my head. "No." I mumbled.
"What?", " What? I didn't say anything." I deflected. "You're being wired."
"I'm just tired." That wasn't a total lie. I could feel Jason's suspicious glare lingering on me.
" Kid if you're not full here you can endanger yourself and others on patrol.", "It's not that bad I'm fine." I said. "Fine... a-and thank  you. " he said before jumping off the roof.
For the rest of the night I could barely focus. I fell of a roof.....twice. But the first time wasn't my fault.
My foot got caught in some wires and I fell onto the fire escape one level lower.
The second time however was very much my fault and ten times more embarrassing.
Dick, Jason and I where on our way home and I... just didn't jump when the ledge came I guess.
I basically ran of the roof.
Landing in an open dumpster didn't hurt as much as my ego afterwards.
Jason was rolling on the floor laughing out loud. Dick tried to be nice fighting his laughter and helped me out the dumpster.  " Don't. Don't you dare laugh." I said trying to hold back my own laughter.
"No... Never.  It's not..." His voice broke so he cleared his throat before he could say anything else he finally broke. "It's not funny." I tried to stay serious. Jason finally caught his breath " One moment you were there the next you weren't." He laughed. "Maby red Robin is the wrong bird for you." Dick laughed.
"Hahaha we should call him chicken!" Jason laughed.
I cracked and started laughing as well. On the way home I head to listen to their teasing. How they should make a body suit for me. One with bubble rap and dumpster jokes. Lots and lots of dumpster jokes. Everytime a roof ended they'd scream "Jump!" and when we landed " Good job."
When we arrived at home I went straight to the shower. My shoulder was slightly bruised, nothing to bad. I looked at the small burn scare on my left forearm.
Some one bumped into me and I felt hot liquid  land on my forearm, " Outch!" I  yelped.
"Oh mon dieu! Je suis désolé!..." she kept rambling but I didn't listen . My eyes lingered on her face.
All pain became irrelevant. Her eyes took all my thoughts away.
Light blue eyes that competed with the clearest sky I ever saw. "It's okay really. " I said grabbing her hands so she'd stop fiddling around.  "Are you sure. " she switched to English.
"Yeah. ", " But it was boiling hot." I pulled out a napkin and cleaned my arm.
"I'm sorry about your coffee tho. What a sad waste." She looked at me and smiled. " It's fine. Are you sure that it doesn't hurt?" I nodded. "I believe I owe you coffee now."
"Oh no please. You really don't." , "No I insist. " I held out my good arm. She rolled her eyes. Than hooked onto it.
"What's your name by the way?",  "Marinette dupain-Ceng."
I snapped out of it when I realized the water turned cold.
At dinner everyone was smiling. "Drake would you like more chicken wings?" Damien asked. Everyone laughed.
" I hate you." I looked at Jason and Dick.
Later that night I layed in my bed wide awake. What should I wear tomorrow? If I put in to much effort would she think I did it for her? I don't want to look good for her. No wait I do.
I'm gonna show her what she missed out on. Yeah! I'm gonna go to sleep so my eye bags won't be so bad so I tried to sleep. The emphasis is on tried. I didn't.

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