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Tim's pov:
Marinette and I where tide up in the back of the Van sitting opposite of each other. She was staring at me.
If looks could kill I'd be six feet under. "What?" I asked.
"Why aren't you begging for your lives? I would have expected way more screaming. " Penguin asked. I had totally forgotten about him.
"This I all your fault." Marinette hissed at me. "My fault!? How is this my fault!?" I screamed.
"Don't you dare raise your voice at me Tim!" She threatened. "Or what? Huh? What are you gonna do tide up. In this situation that's saposatly my fault huh?" , "This is your fault! Everything is your fault! " she screamed.
This time it felt like she was talking about more than just the kidnapping.
"Hello?" Penguine chimed in.
"Shut up! " we screamed in sinc. "It was your fault! You knocked me of my feet!" I screamed.
"I was pushed!" ,"And I told you to get out!", "You distracted me!", "I di..."," Sipp it! I've had about enough of the both of you! Don't you know what I could do to you?!" He screamed.
" Putting him in the same Van as me is probably the worst thing you could do to me." Marinette said.
"Haha." I fake laughed. "That wasn't even the joke.","Oh? What's the joke than?", "I'm looking at it." She said without breaking eye contact. The van stopped.
"Oh Yeah?" I couldn't think of anything else to say, " Wow great come back. You know if you we...." she couldn't finish that sentence because Penguine grabbed her by the throat and pushed her into the wall.
I emidietly pulled against my restraints. Than the door opened and some guy grabbed me and pulled me out.
"No!" I screamed.

Marinette's pov:

"I said sipp it. Technically I only need the Wayne boy so what about sipp it did you not understand." He asked and pushed harder.
" Your ugly ass face distracted me so I couldn't quite follow." I managed to get out.
I got punched in the mouth for that. Than some guy grabbed me by the hair and the back of my jacket as I got pushed along a corridor towards a big door. The man that took Tim stood there already and opened the door.
I got shoved in and I hit the floor hard. The door shut.
"Marinette!" Tim screamed and ran to my side.
When I looked up I froze. His face was so close to mine. We starred at each other. "Your lip."
He said and reached towards my face. I snapped out of it and slept his hand away.
"What do you think you're doing?", he snapped out of it as well.
"I'm sorry that I tried to be nice to you." He scoffed. " Tried to b...You!? You're not even supposed to be here!"
"If you had just listened to me we both wouldn't be here!"," I'm talking about the restaurant!" That made him speechless.
I took two big steps back. " What are you..?", " A line. This... is your side this is mine." I said.
"Are you serious?" He laughed. I nodded.
"What happens if I crossed it?"," I'm sorry. Let me rephrase. It's not a line. This is the Berlin wall you cross it I'll kill you. ", "With what?" I pointed at the giant icicle hanging from the sealing.
"That... would work ." He said in a higher voice. He turned around and started muttering at the freezer wall.
I was starting to get tired after a while that was when I realized that his muttering had stopped for sometime.
"Woow. I had no idea you could stay quiet for s...." the sentence died in my throat as I turned towards him.
Tim was slumped against his corner. " Tim?" He shivered but then lifted his head and looked at me.
I walked over to him and touched his cheek. He was cold.
I was warmer with my hoodie and jacket. He was wearing a t-shirt.
"You idiot! Why didn't you s-say something!?" I asked as I wrapped my jacket around him and huddled down next to him pulling my knees up to my chest.
He looked at me with tired eyes and smiled.
"W-what happened to t-he wall?","Don't m-make me take back my jacket. "I threatened.
"You're c-cold too." He worried. I smiled even though I felt the cold creeping up my spine.
"I'll be fine... let's w-worry about you okay. " I brushed some loose hair out of his face. He softly grabbed my wrist.
" Y-you m-might have change a l-lot but I know you s-still hate lies.",
" Really it's.."
"Marinette y-you lips."

Tim's pov:

They were already changing colour. She sighted leaning against my shoulder and closed her eyes slightly.
"Mari. E-Eyes open." I reminded her.
"I know. I'm-m just a b-bit tired." She said." I kn-now but if you f-fall asleep now you w-will maby never wake up ag-gain to g-get on my nerves-s and that is something I c-can't live with out an-nymore.", she snorted.
"No I'm s-serious... cloves parfum very nice t-touch. Do y-you kn-now how much p-people p-pay for immune th-therapy. Oh and th-the whole de-ecaff thing. My sleep-ping schedule? Almost as-s good as back th-then." She stated to giggle.
" I w-was a b-bit mean wasn-n't I? " ," I did de-deserve it thou." I smiled and looked at the door.
Her shivering worsened. I wrapped arms around her, "H-hey! What do you th-think you're..." before she could resist I pulled her onto my lap wrapping her jacket around the broth of us.
"You're not-t fighting m-me?" I asked.
"Cons-sidering our c-circumstance.... I'll allow th-this." She relaxed into me.
" M-marinette c-can we c-call it truth?","On-nly if-f you prom-mise, n-no more s-secrets."
"...I p-promise." Except for my familys' secret.
"...ey! If-f I don't g-get to s-sleep you don-n't get to either!" She hit me in the chest. I hadn't even realised that I had closed my eyes. "R-right." I mumbled. "H-how about we k-keep each other f-focused." She whispered. "H-how?"
She thought about it as she pushed her hair behind her ears and leaned back allowing me to get a glimpse at her throat.  I'm gonna kill him. There it was an ugly bruise around her throat.
"What-t is my f-favourite num-mber?". "What? "
"What is m-my f-favourite number?".Smart. "T-three." She smiled " And w-why?". I tried to remember.
'We where laying in her bed cuddling . I was explaining to her why computers work with zeros and ones.
"....that's actually one of the reasons I think the number zero is so interesting."
I realized that I had been rambling for a while. Afraid that she had become uninterested without me realizing I looked down only to find smiling up at me. "Sorry. I got carried away. I swear I didn't mean to bore you. I just..."
she brushed her hand through my hair.
"Don't apologise for being passionate about something. I love it when you get excited  about stuff."
I hugged her tighter. "You love it when I talk about numbers?" I laughed. She rolled her eyes.
"Since my favourite number is zero what is yours?", she thought about it than answered." Three."," Why?",
"Well...I like uneven numbers, I always loved the thought of having three children someday and my main reason is... you... I guess.","Me?" I blushed. "We met on the third of March for the first time." '
I was so tired.
"Tim!" Her voice echoed in my mind.
"In here! " someone screamed. 

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