The cat

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Marinette's pov :

'Knock knock'
I paused the movie and looked at the clock. " It's 11pm who..?" I mumbled and got up.
When I opened the door Tim was leaning against the door frame. He was half asleep with his bag hanging of his shoulder,his tie was on backwards, his hair was deshevelt, he had dark circles under his eyes and claw marks on his face.
"Hello." I said hesitantly.
"H-hi." He laughed. I steped aside and he stumbled in while searching in his bag.
"I brought you some tie." He said and handed me a small stack of papers.
"I had to rush so my cat might look weird. I accidentally kicked the paperwork in my hurry and it attack me. I fell down the stairs and might have broken my coffee because the dog didn't work to day. His name is Damian you know?...Or was it Alfred?" He said in a defeated voice. I had to hold back my laughter as I sat down next to him on my sofa.
"...Anyway. Titus told me....he told me...oh right.. he told me to go to night because it is already you and bed wouldn't be down...up I mean. But I told him no". He said proudly. "You did? " I asked like I was speaking to a toddler. He swayed closer.
"Yes. Because the excuse is only the cat." He whispered into my ear. " Because I only came here to see..." his head fell on my shoulder and he started snoring.
I patted his head. "What a trooper. You almost manageed 2 weeks on pure decaff.
Three years....three years of hard work getting you on a sleep schedule and it was all for nothing." I groaned. After slowly letting his head down on the pillow I took off his shoes and jacket as well as his tie, than covered him with a blanket. I turned off the TV and drank a glass of water in the kitchen before turning off the lights and shutting the door. Before I had the chance to lay down I heard whimpering coming from the living room.
I walked back to the sofa only to see him twisting and turning panting in his sleep.
I brushed my hand through his hair like I used to do and he emidietly calmed down, leaning into my touch.
"Shhhh. I thought we were done with the nightmares." I whispered.
When I was about to pull away another whimper came from him. "You're not going to let me go to sleep are you?" I ask as I continued brushing through his hair.
He sight in response. I groaned than pulled out the extension of the sofa from underneath.
" Just this once. " I whispered and climbed on. Taking a pillow and my own blanket I layed down next to him with a bit of a distance only holding his hand with the rest of my body turned away from him.
I woke up in the morning face to face with Tim " Ahh! Eeep!!" I fell of the sofa hitting my head on the side off the coffee table. "Ouch!" , "Mhhmm. What?", "It's n-nothing. Go back to sleep." I winced.
I got up and emidietly regretted it. "Marinette!" Tim caught me before I hit the floor. " It's fine I got up to fast."
I reassured him trying to push him away. "Marinette you're bleeding.","What?" I grabbed my head.
"Don't. Don't touch that." He grabbed me with both hands around the waist and sat me back on the sofa.
"Let me take a look at that."

Tim's pov:

I swiped the hair out of her face. It wasn't that bad. "Where is your medical kit?"
"Down the hall, second door to the right, in the cabinet under the sink." She groaned.
I got up " You stay..... I'm serious. ", "Fine." I went to get the kit.
After getting the kit I closed the cabinet and heard a phone go of. As I walked back I heard Marinette answer. " Ms. Taylor I .... no I know it's just..... Yes..."
I saw Marinette hold the phone away from her ear and I could still hear a woman screaming. I could see that she was starting to get stressed. I came up behind her and grabbed the phone taking it from her.
"Hey!" She tried to get it back but I held her at arms length and listened to the Phone.
>..ow that you're responsible for him! You're going to make up for it!! I can't wait till Mr.Drake...<
>Till I what Ms Taylor?< >Mr. Drake! Oh I-I tough..<
>Ms. Taylor if I ever hear about you yelling at an employee you'll be out the company before you blink. Understood.< > Yes sir. I'm sor...< I hung up before she ended her sentence.
Marinette punshed me in the stomach causing me to curl in on myself so she could take the phone from me.
" Do you have any idea what you just did?" ,
" What do you mean? I just stood up for you. How about a thank you? ",
"Thank you I don't need you to stand up for me." She hissed pointing her finger at me and laid her phone on the counter.
"I have enough trouble at work because you're never were you're supposed to be." She went on as she grabbed the kit and tried to open it.
"You don't know all the extra work I'm doing." She grumbled still struggling to open the kit.
"Let-let me ." I tried to take it from her but she pulled it away.
"Running myself ragged because you take nothing serious!" She ceaped pulling on it.
" This isn't h-how you..","And now everyone at work is going to we are secretly meeting and the rumours will start! Why isn't this stupid thing opening! " She screamed and stated banging the kit on the counter repeatedly.
"Marinette!", "What!"She stopped and starred. I looked into her eyes trying to get through to her.
" Aaaa!" She screamed and threw the kit against the wall and stormed off.
Maby she is an IED.
I grabbed the kit and opened it taking out a plaster and put it on the counter after closing the kit again.
Then I started to prepare some breakfast. Fried eggs not scrambled cause she doesn't like the the texture.
3 strips of bacon because 2 aren't enough and 4 are to many.
While I made my badge Marinette's phone bussed.I looked at the display and read
[Hi. Hope you start your day of well. I just wanted to make sure that we're still on for tomorrow 3 PM. The Ramen shop down the road at your place right? The on next to the bank?].
She's going on another date? Isn't two times a week enough? What's that smell?
"Shit!" I turned off the stove. My eggs were burned to a crisp. "Aaa who cares I like cereal more anyway.",
" You ready to go?" Marinette asked behind me. "I emmm" I turned around. She had changed outfits and combed her hair a bit. " Hey what's that smell?",
" I burn my breakfas. But here is yours." I said and handed her the plate.
"We don't have time for breakfast...",
"Well since I'm not there and I'm your boss and you're job is too be my personal assistant there's no rush. So eat."
We sat down and started eating. " You're awfully quiet." I knowtest. " You're being very nice to me. It's... wired."
She responded.
"I feel good today." I shrugged. " Maby because you actually slept for once." ,"Yeah but only because you... you helped me again. I guess all I wanted to do was to get even. But instead I made you hit your head, have more trouble at work and almost set off the smoke detector. I... I'm sorry." I looked down.
Then I heard something I hadn't thought I'd miss so much. She started laughing.
A genuine laugh making me feel all good inside. "I think I have to confess something. The reason you got so tired in the first place was because you were drinking decaff."
"What?" I laughed. She nodded. "That's impossible at " ," I have my ways.", " So you where poisoning me this whole time?" , "More like detoxing you. In hindsight my so called evil plan is actually good for you."

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