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Dick's pov:

"Good morning Star shine." I whispered waking Mar'i up softly. "Guess who is coming today.",
"The Easter bunny?" She asked sleepy.
"No.... Better." I laughed. "Who's better then the Easter bunny?", " Oh I don't know... who's not here right now?"
".... Mummy and grandma!!" She jumped up.
"You got it dude. They're going to be here in half an hour so we'll have a big family breakfast with everyone."
"A big breakfast!?" She asked with wide eyes. "Huge. And the best part is we'll all stay in our jamys."
"Yes!" She screamed jumping of her bed. " Come on we can help set the table!" She said pulling on my arm.
I picked her up and left the room.
As I went out into the hall I saw Marinette leaving Tim's room and banging the door shut.
" Good...morning?" I stammered as she stomped past me. "What was that? " I asked looking at my daughter.
She shrugged "I don't know. I think she has puberty."
"You know what.. I think you're right. Are you going to be like this when you grow up?"," How should I know I'm 3."
"Fair enough." I shrugged and ceaped walking.

Damian's pov:

This is ridicules a pyjama breakfast as a welcome home. The door opened to my atile causing me to jump up into a defensive position. "Sorry wrong...oh wow." Dupain-Ceng looked around, "Why are you here?" I inquired annoyed.
"I got lost." She admitted. " Did you draw all of these?". "I did. Why?" I crossed my arms in front of my chest.
" It looks great. I'm always to scared to make oil paintings. I just can't manage it.", "Y-you draw?" I asked trying to sound un interested.
She nodded and looked around some more. "What do you draw with?" I asked.
"Watercolors mainly. And normal pencil sketches ofcourse. Ups ..oh who are you? " she asked That's Alfred. ", she raised her eyebrow. "What?", "Did you name him?", "I did." I stated firmly.
She smiled " I like your humor." That caught me of guard thinking that she would mock me. She turned back to the cat and reached for hi wouldn't do that. He doesn't like any one but me." Dupain-Ceng didn't listen and just picked him up. I expected her to get scratched.
But the cat just let himself get picked up and held like a baby. Traitor.
"I think we're good." She said stroking him. I realised that she was wearing Drake's clothes but chose not to comment on that. "So you favourite medium is charcoal?" She guessed. " Yes. I like how it looks. "
"Me too. But what I really like is that it gets messy and when i accidentally make mistakes I have to work with them." She smiled as she looked at my tiger painting.
' "If you'd come down from your high horse once in a while you might find that people are interesting and kind." Stephanie said and handed me a brand new pencil set.'
I took a deep breath imbarest to ask but the scenery looked pretty. "Dupa..Marinette could you... do me a fffavour?"
Why was this so hard? "Sure. What is it?", "Could you stay like this for a bit? Only till I have a sketch down. "
" Yes but under one condition. .... You'll show me the result later." She smiled. I nodded and got to work.
20 minutes later there was a knock on the door.
"Come in Grayson." I said. "How'd you know it was him?","The others don't knock. They're animals."
The cat hissed.
"Damian, Marinette the breakfast is starting soon.", " We'll be down in a minute. I just have to finish up.", "Ok. "


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