Oh really?

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Marinette's pov:

While getting ready for work in the morning I had to process yesterday evening.
Nick picked me up from the apartment with his car and we drove to his home.
' "We're here!" He yelled up the stairs and helped me take of my jacket.
"Great timing kid dinner's ready!" We took off our shoes. "After you." He bowed.
I gave him a kiss on the cheek and went upstairs.
I could already smell the food on my way up. It smelled delicious .
When we reached the second level we where greeted by two women.
"Hello sweetie it's nice to meet you. I hope my Pudden treated you well." A blonde woman said as she hugged me. "Mom." Nick groaned.
"Come on Harls you're embarrassing the kid. Hi I'm Ivy and this is Harley." The red head with green skin said.
I could barely move. " Marinette are you okay?", " Yeah. Thank you for having me. Amm Nick could you show me where the toilet is?" I asked grabbing his hand .
"Sure. " , "We'll just set the table." Ivy said and walked towards the kitchen.
When we arrived at the bathroom I started slapping his shoulder. " You.. could.. have warned ..me." I whisper yelled. He grabbed my hand making me stop ." Look I'm sorry okay. I thought that you'd might not come." He looked down. I sighed and grabbed his shoulders causing him to look at me. "I'm here for you not your parents. Well parent.
Hold on. Who's your...", " The king of Gotham." He answered hesitantly. "Marinette?"
He sounded sad." Listen if it's to much you don't have to..."," Well I guess I've been giving you the wrong nickname your highness." I teased. Before I knew it I found myself in a tight hug. '

When I reached the office, on time today might I add. My 'Boss' was nowhere to be found. After waiting for 20 minutes I went down to the front desk.
"Excuse me it's already 20 past 8 and mr. Drake is still not here. Even if his first appointment is at half past 9 he still has paperwork to do." ,
"Well mrs. Dupain-Ceng seeing as you are his personal assistant any paperwork that hasn't been dealt with which doesn't need to be signed will fall back on to you. And as for him not being here. It is you job to keep him on schedule." Ms. Taylor said in an annoyed tone.
"I sent him the schedule. I'm not his nanny. He's a grown man. I am not required to wake him up." I answered.
"You best do something about it. The work won't do it self you know." She said and dropped a huge stack of papers in my arms. 'Uff'
After I put that stack in Tim's office I dialed his number.
Once ... twice.... on the third time I screamed on his answering machine. "Get...your stupid.... butt.. down here now!! I'm gonna come to your mansion. If you are not dressed and ready to go when I arrive... may God have mercy on your soul."
10 minutes later I reached my destination.

I pressed the bell button on the fenced entrance.
"Good morning. How can I help you madam?" A proper English voice asked.
"H-hi. I'm Marinette Dupain-Ceng. Mr.Drakes personal assistant. He didn't show up at work...." The gate opened before i could finish.
I walked onto the giant property and straight to the front door which was opened by a older man in a suit. He let me in and introduced himself.
When I wanted to ask if he could maybe get Tim, Dick walked through the door.
He gasped "Don't I know you?",
I laughed "Good morning to you too." We gave each other a quick hug.
"Ms Dupain-Ceng may I take your coat?",
" Oh that's not necessary really. I just came to pick up T-mr.Drake.",
"Tim isn't even out of his room yet so that's going to take a while you might as well give him your coat.".
"He's not...up.. yet?" , "N-no." Dick said a bit unsure. I took a deep breath.
"Would you minde leading me to his room?" I asked with a sweet voice. " Not at all." He smiled.
I took my shoes off and followed him up the stairs. "The third room on the right. I'll catch up later with you guys. " he said and walked away.
Stomping towards his room I ripped the door opened without knocking.

Tim's pov:

I felt terrible truly terrible I was fighting the sleep more then usual and my coffee didn't feel like it helped anymore.
When I reached for my phone which showed 3 miss calls and a message on my mailbox I realized how late it was.
Shit! I got up and listened to the voicemail.
>Get...your stupid.... butt.. down here now!! I'm gonna come to your mansion. If you are not dressed and ready to go when I arrive... may God have mercy on your soul.< The message ended with a loud 'Beep'.
I gulped.
Not even a second later the door busted open making me flinch " You!"
Play it cool.
I turned around shocked that we were already face to face.
"You have an appointment in half an hour. What do you think you're doing?!" She asked poaking me in the chest.
"Well. I hate paperwork." I smiled.
"This might have worked with your old assistant but I'm not doing this crap. You get your ass down to the office. If the stack isn't gone by this afternoon we're going to have a problem. Got it?" She turned around and walked to the door.
Who does she think she is? I was starting to get irritated.
Before she reached the door I grabbed her wrist ,softly this time, and pulled her towards me again.
"Marinette I think you just forgot that you are the assistant and I'm your boss. " I said.
"I'm not doing this willingly remember?" She hissed.
"Yeah but this doesn't mean you can barge into my room like you own the place and talk to me like I'm a child.",
" I'll talk to you like you're a child as long as you behave like one! " she screamed pulling out of my grip.
"Shhhh. Marinette lower your voice."
"No! I won't! You think that just because you're the boss you can treat me how ever you want! You are dead wrong!
And it's Miss Dupain-Ceng since you insisted on starting this whole shebang. Now get dressed you look like an idiot, not that the pyjamas have anything to do with it. I'm not waiting for you." She hissed and left slamming the door.
Now that was embarrassing.

Stephanie's pov:

I helped Cass put makeup on when we heard loud screaming coming from the hall and a door banged shut.
We stuck our heads out the door only to see a girl around my age or a bit younger standing outside of Tim's door muttering in French. I cleared my throat.
She stud up straight and composed herself before she looked over.
"Sorry. Don't mind me. I'll be on my way." She winced. Cass nudged me.
"No no wait. What's your name?" I asked going into the hall.
"M-marinette." She smiled and shook my hand. "I'm Stephanie and this is Cassandra."
Cass waved. "Are you okay?"," Yes. I just... had to make something clear to your brother.", "My brother?" I smiled. "What's going on between you and my brother?"
" Hatred." That caught me of guard. "Why?" I asked. "He's my boss." Ohh.
Cass giggled behind me and started to sign with her hands. I was about to translate but Marinette answered. "Sometimes hard to deal with? Some times? You know you brother?", Cass got excited and signed more. "Marinette how do you know sign language?" I asked, " I had an interest for it and decided to learn." She said not taking her eyes of Cass." Yeah I've I've knowtest that too. But he still takes the same amount of coffee."
The door behind Marinette opened and Tim walked out.
"Thought you weren't going to wait?" He smirked. "I didn't plan to." She groane.
"Well come on. We're late right?",
"Bye" she waved and signed 'It was nice to meet you' before leaving.

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