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Jason's pov:
I was about to leave the manor at around 2 pm when replacement walked down the stairs looking like a zombie.
"Wow who peed in your coffee? "I laughed. He gave me a bat glare. " Get out.",
" Fair enough." I swallowed and closed the door behind me. When I arrived at the apartment complex Marinette and I passed each other in the stairwell. "Hey nugget.", "Captain." She exclaimed.
" How was the caviar?" She teased trying to ignore the elephant in the room. She was nervous.
I laughed, " You're gonna be just fine."
She nodded. "Sure" she whispered, than took a deep breath and put her chest out.
" I'm already late on my first day.", "We can't have that now can we? Don't let m.....uffff" she tackled me with a hug and I held her tied. " Swing by tonight and tell me how it went?" I asked.
"Yeah.", "Go get them kid. And be nice."
Marinette smiled, "I will make no such promises. " she said and ran down the stairs.

Marinette's pov :
When I reached W.E. I stopped outside trying to compose myself before I went in. It's going to be fine just like Jason said they are not going to eat me. I moved alone to a different country for God sake. This should be nothing. Why am I so..." Hey?", "Ahh!" I covered my mouth. "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you." The man said. He had baby blue eyes and black hair. He was shorter than Jason yet just as much muscle mass.
" No I'm sorry.I screamed in you face." I apologised.
"It's fine. It's just that you where just staring at the building and not going in so I am a bit confused." He said.
" I'm going to start working here today I'm just a bit nervous.", "Have we met before you sound familiar?".
Now that he mentioned it he sounded familiar to me as well.
" You also sound familiar but I don't recall ever meeting you monsieur." His eyes snapped wide open.
"I'm Richard Grayson." He held out his hand and I shook it. Before I could introduce myself he said.
"My friends and family call me Dick." , " Oh poop.", " Pepé le pew was it?" He smirked and I squeaked.
"Anyhow we should go in or you'll be late." He said as he held the door open. I gave him a thankful look and went through. "What is your name by the way?", "Marinette." He nodded and guided me towards the reception.
There was a woman tapping with her foot impatiently. When she saw me she stomped towards me.
"Miss Dupain-Ceng?" She asked in a rude tone. I swallowed and nodded. " You are 14 minutes late and that on your first day.", "That was my fault." Dick said and rested his hand on my shoulder. The woman hesitated.
"Still mr. Grayson since she is going to be mr. Drake's personal assistant she should be punctual and ready. This is unprofessional behaviour."
" Since he isn't here yet which I know for a fact. There should be no problem." Her nostrils flared but than she nodded handing me a card. "This card is for the elevators. Since you are a personal assistant you even have exes to the private levels and some rooms like the archives. Mr. Drake's office is on the seventh level. You ought to be always available for him and schedule all his meetings. Understood."
That last part was a demand not a question. "Yes ma'am.", " Good." She said and left.
"Well she seems nice." I said. Dick laughed " Come on I'll show you the way to the office."
We walked through a hallway into the elevator. "How do you know that mr. Drake isn't here yet?"
I asked as he pressed the floor button. "Well considering I left the manor when he was still in his pyjamas it is safe to assume that his not here yet.", " He is your brother?" Dick nodded . If he's going to be anything like him or Jason this could be quite fun I thought as we walked towards the office. When we walked in I looked around. " Wow this room looks really sad. No pictures no... nothing really. ", " Yeah maby you can convince him to decorate." , " Oh I'll make him if he wants to or not.... Thank you." I said and turned to Dick.
"No problem. I can see why Jay likes you. I'll come back later and see how you two are doing. "
"Sounds good." I said and he closed the door leaving me alone to explore.

Tim's pov:
I arrived at W.E 20 minutes to late. As I walked in I couldn't help my eyes from searching for her. I didn't see her. I'm gonna check later where she works. I could use a check up as an excuse cause as CEO should check on the working process once in a while. I thought as I walked towards the elevator. Dick stepped out. " Hey Timbers. Look at you suit and tie. Did you cover your eye bags with makeup?", "Maby. Why are you so smiley?" , " I just met your new personal assistant. She's really cool." I totally forgot that I got a new one today.
" I'll decide that for myself." I said and stepped in the elevator. " Go easy on her Timi.",
" I will make no such promises. " I winked as the doors closed. When I arrived at my office I quietly opened the door.
My new assistant was starting out the large window behind my desk from what I could see she was wearing black high waist straight leg jeans with a white blouse and her black hair in a high ponytail. She maby reached up to my chest in height. She was slim but had nice curves. I cleared my throat and she flinched clearly not aware of my presence. " Pardon sir I didn't realise tha..." she turned around and stopped. I was stunned as well. It wasn't supposed to happen like that! I was supposed to have the upper hand!
"You?!" She screamed.

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