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Tim's pov:

On my way to the office my mind was on high alert.
" Morning.", " Aaahh!!" I jump back hitting my office door. "Here you go." Marinette smiled and handed me a cup.
I eyed it suspiciously.
"I didn't order one." I said. "Yeah but you where about to right?" She asked. I nodded and took a couches sip.
It didn't taste different then the usual coffee so it should be fine.
I looked around and knowtest that the office looked a bit cleaner. "I tidied up a little." She explained after realizing why I looked confused.
"Oh you did, did you. H-how nice.", I said and looked at her only to see her smile at her phone. "Who is it?", " No one." She answered and walked towards the door.
"Where are you going?" I asked nervously.
"I have to get the meeting room ready. The appointment starts in 10 minutes. Why? Do you need something mr Drake? "She asked sweetly. "What are you trying to do?" I asked. "I don't know what you mean but I've got to go." Marinette said and slammed the door.
Shit! What did she do? I was scared to move. Maby she did something to the floor boards?
I took every step very carefully. Or perhaps she rigged the chair. When I reached my chair I grabbed a book from my desk and slammed it onto the chair as hard as I could "Aha!". .... Nothing.... .
Before I could relax I heard someone cleare their throat making me jump. "Aaahh! Mr . Pug you scared me."
He still didn't say anything. "A spider." I explained. He nodded and said " I will just ask someone else." Before he turned around and left.

Marinette's pov :

I was having the time of my life.
Getting the room ready putting down water bottles, making sure to put an other cup of coffee down for Tim and the most important step. Put on the new parfum I bought. By the time I was done the appointment was about to begin.
Tim came in and hesitantly greeted me. "Mr Drake I made the room ready.
Considering that we are only 4 people we are going to sit face to face with our clients instead of you sitting on the head of the table." He nodded and sat down on his chair couchesly.
"You made me another coffee?", " I assumed that you are done with the other.",
" You are correct." My phone pinged again.
"Oh I have to mute that." I looked at the message and couldn't help giggling.
Nick sent me a cute meme with good luck. "What's so funny?", "It's nothing. Just a friend being sweet." Why did I tell him that? "A Frie..."
There was a knock on the door and I opened it. We invited the guests in and I sat down next to Tim.
Through out the meeting Tim started stifling and sneezing.
"Mr Drake are you alright." Mr Yamamoto asked. "Yes. 'Snif' thank you for your concern." He sneezed again.
"Maybe you caught the flue. Very normal around this time." I said. "That is true. Anyway I believe we are done here.
Mr Drake. Ms Dupain Ceng. A pleasure to make business with you." Mr Yamamoto smiled and shook our hands.
"L-L 'sneeze' likewise."
After they left I started cleaning up. "Mr Drake I'm not picking up your used paper towels.", "Ofcourse. 'Snif'"
He picked up the papers and went to the bin as I turned my notifications back on.
" Mr. Drake you seem tiered." , "I'm fine." He yawned.
"Bring me 'sneeze' another coffee on the way up.", "Very well sir." I smiled. He looked put of and was about to say something but chose not to and left.
As soon as the door closed I dropped that stupid smile. My plan was working.
Through out the day I made sure to follow every demand with a smile on my face and topped it of with stuff he didn't even ask for.
When he reached his twenties coffee of the day which had all been decaff by the way that I rigged to taste like regular coffee he was struggling to stay awake .
" Hello sir here's you twenty first coffee for today and i thought you might like a cupcake with it." I smiled.
There was silence.
His left eye twitched like it always does before.."That's enough!! I can't take this anymore! What is wrong with you?!'sneeze ' You killing me! " I had to fight my smile. "I have no clue what you're..",
"Stop play dumb!'snif' The suspense is killing me!'sneeze' And why is my condition getting worse again!?'sneeze'."
I shrugged and walked away. When I was about to leave I turned to Tim only to see him staring at me. "What?", "Ms. Dupain-Ceng could you 'snif' come here please.", "Why?"
He didn't answer and walked up to me getting really close."Hey! What do you think you're...."
He pushed the hair away that was covering my neck with one hand while the other grabbed me on the back of the the neck to ceap me from pulling away. He pressed his nose against the crook of my neck. Crap.
"Maybe you caught the flue. Very normal around this time." He mocked. "What? I happen to like the smell."
"The one flower I'm allergic to!","Riiiight that's why I like this smell."," I'm itching all over!"
The door opened and Dick walked in. "Hey hey what's going on? Why are you screaming? ",
" She is wearing a parfum with cloves scent." Tim said scratchin himself.
"How should she know that you're allergic?", "Yeah how should I know. It's not like I've known you for that long?"
Tim stopped in his tracks." Wait a minute 'snif' that is it isn't it? Your revenge. Haha.'sneeze' Yes! "
"What's up with him?" Dick whispered. I shrugged "Don't know. Delusional maby?"
"Okay T come on let's get you home. You look exhausted." Dick said and grabbed his brother's shoulders.

Tim's pov :

Dick started pushing me towards the door. "I'm fine." I groaned.
"No. You're not. Marinette how would you feel about taking the rest of the day off ?",
"That would be amazing. I'd have more time to get ready." She mumbled the last part.
"'Snif' More time to get ready for what?", before she could answer her phone pinged.
She looked at it and smiled.
That same smile I used to get when I used to compliment her.
"I think the right question is for who not what." Dick smirked. Marinette blushed.
That FRIEND. "Come on Timmy lets not ceap her. The girl has places to go." Marinette rushed to grab her jacket. "Want a lift?" Dick asked. "No thanks." She said and ran out the door.
"Young love." He sighed. "You're not th 'sneeze' that old." I groaned. My mind still tried to understand that Marinette was going on a date.
" What's wrong T?" He asked as we left the building "It's nothing."

Jason's pov:

On my way home I saw a familiar person walking. "Hey there beautiful." I cat called as I pulled up next to her. She looked at me disgusted than realisation kicked in.
"Oh it's you." She sighed in relief. "Haha I totally got you nugget. Hop in. " She rolled her eyes and got in the car.
"Hold on. Did you do what I asked of you?" She asked exited. "Yup. Changed every last one of them. Even the ones that he thinks are hidden.", "Perfect. You are the best." She exclaimed. "I know I am. So why are you out so early?", " Well my boss had to leave early due to his allergy outbreak.", " How did you..?", "I have my ways."
"Alright remind me to never make you angry." I said as we drove into the car park.

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