Photo shoot

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Tims pov :

"Am I done for today?" I groaned resting my head on the desk. "I am. You sir have a two hour photo shoot." Marinette smiled.
"Since when does the company do Photo shootings!?","Since mr.Wayne agreed to a cooperation for a fashion line with xxxx (can't make up a name 😓)."
I lifted my head. "Then there must be a mistake.Why am I the model? I was never asked."
" Technically you were." Marinette answered. "What did you do?" I growled.
"My job. Remember I manage your contacts and meetings. That includes appointments. Mr.Wayne asked for volunteers and I might have told Dick that you are interested. " She sassed back. "You did what!?".
"As I said my job! Now move it or you'll be late."." What am I even going to model?" I asked getting up from behind my desk.
"Well at first some formal wear like suits." She smiled ."And later? " I asked. "....Underwear.".
" way." I shook my head. "Marinette I thought we called it truth."I cried.
"I'm sorry. I scheduled it before...Oh come on. It will be fun."
Just as she finished her sentence Jason opened the door. He was grinning from ear to ear.
" Hello. I came to pick up the model.". My head snapped towards Marinette.
"I might have mentioned it to him as well." She grinned sheepishly. I balled my firsts.
" Come on. Let's move it everything is set up." I reluctantly followed him out the door.
"Bye bye. Have fun." She waved. "You don't want to watch?" Jason asked. "No I'll clean up and go home."
When we reached the set we saw a man running around screaming at his Phone in Italian. He looked pissed.
"What going on?"I asked Bruce.
"It seems like your modelling partner called in sick on the last minute.".
"Partner?" I asked. "Yes. She was supposed to wear the womens clothing that go with your clothes.". I saw Dick walking through the door and coming towards us.
"You mean I came here for nothing? " Jason groaned. "What do you mean? Why?" Dick asked.
"My partner called in sick last minute and with out her I can't do anything. I guess it was supposed to be like a Mr. and Mrs. thing. ". " Seriously?" Dick asked disappointed.
"Great. I'll go see if I can catch up with Marinette and drive her home." Jason said and went to grab his stuff.
A thought formed in my mind.
I sighed "Bummer. If only we knew an attractive woman around my age. One that would love to personally assist m..." Dick gasped. "We could ask Marinette!".
Before I could say something he rushed to the Photographer. "Sir. I might have a solution just wait here." He said and ran out.
"Where is he going?" Jason asked next to me. "I might have mentioned a personal assistant of mine.".
"She's going to kill you. You realise that right? ","Yeah but what's life with out a little bit of danger?".
A few minutes later the door opened.
"...on't understand stand why you can't tell me wha..." Marinette froze because everyone looked at her.
"Tada.The solution." Dick said and gestured to Marinette. "For what?". "She's perfect! " the Photographer exclaimed. "For what?!" She screamed back irritated.
"You'll be mr. Drakes modelling partner for th...", "No." she turned around. " Marinette. " ,
"No."she bolted towards the door but Dick grabbed her around the waist before she could reach.
"I'm not doing it!" She screamed trying to get out off his grip. "Don't mind her. She'll do it. I'll talk to her." Dick said dragging her back towards the wardrobe. "Jay!" She cried for help. "Sorry nugget.",
"Oh come on it will be fun. Right Marinette? " I smiled. "I'm gonna...!" The door shut, cutting of her sentence.
"This is miss Dupain-Ceng? " Bruce asked. "Yup. In her full glory." I sighed. "I mean I saw her bravely but Selina said that she's rather shy.", " She's anything but shy." I laughed.
Five minutes later Dick walked out of the dressing room. "She'll do it!".
The entire crew relaxed. "Affrettasi! Get them into their first outfits!"the photographer screamed clapping his hands.
" How'd you manage that?" I asked as I was shoved passed Dick towards the dressing room.
" I'll tell you later." He promised.
After I was put through hair and makeup they gave me my first outfit. I put it on and walked on set. We had to wait for Marinette a little longer. Than she walked out.       !Wow!
I was so glad that it was impossible to see me blush because of the makeup.
Her hair was up in a bun with strands of hair falling down in perfect places.
"Did they even put makeup on your face? " I asked. "Only lipstick. They said I didn't need the rest." She shrugged.
"Then why did it take so long?", "That's none of your business."
"Ok!" The photographer clapped. "Since it's both of you first time we'll start with none intimate poses and slowly progress from there." He said with a strong Italian accent.
We went through a few poses but ended up liking this one the most.
(First outfits and fav pose)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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