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Tim's pov:
>Well Madame that's not how it works".< I heard my brother say as I walked in the room.
I gave him a weird look and he put the phone on speaker >"...don't care."<, he grabbed the bridge of his nose.
>"Who are you!"<, >"Who are you!? You called me!"<, the voice sounded familiar.
>"I didn't call you! I called my brother!"< , I walked a bit closer >" I have to confess something."<
>"What? "< . The girl changed her voice >"I am your b...."<
> "Your not my brother! Who are you!"<,>"Pepé le pew....What was your brother's name again?"< Dick's eye twitched.
>"Jason."< , >"Hmm. Tall guy , short black hair with a white streak?"<
>"Yes."<, > "Steel blue eyes and a little birthmark under the left side of his jaw?"<, Dick took a deep breath. >"Yes."< ther was a little pause, > "Yeah no never met him. Sorry."<
> "WHERE IS MY B..."< ^Beeeep^ . He turned to me mouth wide open I laughed as he called again.
It got picked up >"Hello, who is this?"< a innocent voice sang. >" Don't play dumb with me."<
>" Oh it's you. What do you want?"< Dick's nostrils flared.
>"My brother!"<, >"Well than I can't help you. Are you sure you got the right number?"<
> "Yes it's his number I'm sure!"<, >"Well third time is the charm try again."<
>"Don't you dare han.."< ^Beeeep^ he hit his head on the table and pressed call again. It got picked up again. >"Jason!"<, >"No still me"< this time she dropped the accent.
>"Give me my brother or else I'll come find you."<, >"Are you threatening me? I could report you."< where do I know her voice from?
>" I'm a police officer."< Ther was a break. We heard a gulped than she cleared her throat.
>"Oh you mean Jason Todd." < she said in a higher voice.
We heard some fumbling and a door getting shut.
>"Traitor!"< , Dick smacked his fist on the table. >"Jason!"<, >"Dick how you doin?"<
>"Who was that?"<, >" My new neighbour. What do you think? I like her."<
>"Well she does have a sense of humour"< I chimed in.
>"Hey replacement."<,>" Hi Jay."<
>"Anyway I called you cause patrol schedule change .Damian got grounded so you'll be out with me and Tim tonight."< Dick said.
We heard a loud sigh. >"Fine. "< Dick looked relieved. >" Thanks Jaybird."<
>"Yeah yeah what ever "<, >"See you tonight."<, >" Sure."< he hung up.
" Huh that went way better than I thought." Dick said. I nodded.
" What's on your mind Tim?"," Her voice.", He pulled his eyebrows up." Who Pepé's?" I snorted
"Yeah. I know her voice. It sounded so familiar."," The good kind of familiar? ", I nodded trying to wreck my brain harder. "Ugg I need more coffee for this." I said and walked out.

Marinette's pov:
At 3 pm Nick and I met at a coffee shop. He stood out side waiting.
When he saw me his smile grew and he waved. We hugged each other before he opened the door for me and we went in. We got our coffee and sat down in a booth.
"Did anything new happen since yesterday?" He asked. "Mhm I met my neighbour. He's so cool. Looks like a hitman but is so sweet. We had breakfast together and ended up talking for like 3 hours"
"H-how old is he? " he asked sipping at his cup and tried to look uninterested. I smiled. "Why'd you ask?Are you getting jealous?", he scowled .
"Don't worry he's 25." , "So older guys are not your type." , I shook my head .
" 8 years apart is to big of an age gap for me.", "How about 3 years. " , "Totally fine." He grinned.
"What's this guys name anyway." , "Jason Todd. ", " As in like Wayne?", "Jup.", " He's a Wayne and not your type." I punished him in the arm.
" Au okay I'm sorry.", " Yeah you better be." I mumbled.
"Mari can I ask you a question?" , "You just did." He rolled his eyes. "Okay. Can I ask you a third question?" I nodded. "My mom said I should invite you to dinner on Tuesday cause she wanted to meet you. Would you like to come?", " Ofcourse. I'd love to come." He sighed in relief.
The rest of the time we talked about school and how I am going to work tomorrow and how we each imagined my job will be like.
Before we knew it it was 6 pm and we both left after hugging each other good bye.

Jason pov:
At around 6:30 p.m. I got ready and left my apartment.
When I closed the door behind me I saw Marinette coming towards me in the hallway. " And where have you been?" , " I was out with a friend. And where are you headin." I stopped.
" To the bar." She raised an eyebrow. "You're going to the manor aren't you? " , I didn't respond.
"Aww what happened. Did you run out of caviar or something?" She teased as she opened her door.
" I'm not a snob!"," Suuurrree... what ever you say Captain underpants. Good night. " she said and closed the door. This kid.
Replacement and my paths crossed at patrol. "Birdy." I nodded in egnoalagement. "Hood. What do you want?"
"Why do you think I want something?", "Cause that is the only time you call me Birdy." I sigh .
"Anyway. Remember my new neighbour?" He nodded. "Turns out she'll started working at the company tomorrow. Considering the interaction with Dick this morning I didn't want to tell him so I wanted to ask you to look out for her a bit." He stared at me with an open mouth.
"What?", "Hood are you in love?", "What!? Fuck no! She's 17!." He held his hands up in defence.
I took a deep breath,"Sorry it's just... Marinette is a bit nervous..","Who?" He interrupted me.
"Marinette dupain-Ceng my neighbour. ","She's going to be at work? Tomorrow? " His voice pitched.
"Yes that's what I said. Tha' heck is wrong with you? You look like I slapped you in the face." He shook his head. "I-it's nothing." He said with a strained voice.

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