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Nick's pov :

I was looking at my watch when I heard someone stopping next to me. " Waiting for someone?" Marinette asked smiling. "Indeed I am." I answered as I got up. We hugged and sat down.
I handed her the menu. "What about you?" , " I already know what I'm gonna have you go ahead.",
" Fine." She smiled and took a look.
"So you reached your two week mark of working. Give me your honest opinion.",
" It's tiring. I can barely catch a break." She groaned as she brushed her hair back with her hand.
"What did you do?" I asked pointing at her forehead.
" Oh that. I kinda fell off my couch and hit my head on the coffee table. " she grinned sheepishly.
I shook my head and laughed. The waiter came to our table and asked for our orders.
" Listen if you're job is so tiring you really don't have to tutor me. I don't want to add to your stress."
"No it's fine really. I like helping you get your grades up.", " And it's really no trouble?", " No not at all."she smiled reassuringly. We ceap chatting till our food arrived.
" What did you get? " she asked as I started eating. " Mmm Miso Tonkotsu and you?"
"Rekka.", "So your more the spicy type?" She nodded. "But it's not that spicy." , "Do you minde if I try?" I asked.
"Not at all." She answered and pushed her bowl towards me. I took a sip and waited a bit letting the flavour sink in.
"Your right it's not that...oh ...oh no *cough* you liar. Oh my Gosh *cough*. Do they have milk?" My eyes were tearing up as Marinette was laughing her ass off. After the staff brought me some milk the pain died down.
Before I could say something I accidentally knocked my phone off the table. When I got back up after I retrieved it
Marinette slapped the table with her first while choking on the soup and accidentally spat it in my face.
"Oh shoot. I'm so sorry. I-I didn't mean to I swear." She apologized with her hands covering her mouth and wide eyes.
"No no it's fine really. I know that it was an accident." I tried to calm her down. " I'll help you clean up.",
"That's a very nice offer Mari but I think that you won't be welcomed in the mens bathroom." I laughed.
She blushed. " Ofcourse. " ," I'll be back." I said before leaving for the bathroom.
Inside I washed my face and dyed myself of thinking about the time I had so far.
When I was about to leave I heard an explosion. Parts of the wall caved in trapping me with no way out.

Marinette's pov:

I took a sip of my soup as Nick ducked under the table to get his phone. I saw a familiar face looking straight at me.
He was caught of guard as well trying to hide his face behind the menu but it was too late.
I choked on my soup and spat it in Nicks face. He left for the bathroom after assuring me take it was alright.
As soon as he was out of my site I got up and walked to the table in front of me.
" What are you doing? " I hissed.
Tim looked up from the menu " Choosing what to order."
" No. What are you doing in the restaurant!?"
I heard people muttering.
He hesitated "What everyone does in a restaurant. I want to....eat." He said as he looked at my forehead. He was avoiding my eyes.
"You.... eat Ramen? " he pressed his lips into a thin line. He hates them. "Obviously. " he said hesitantly.
"You're spying on me." I crossed my arms.
"I know how you always get yourself in stupid situations. And considering who you're dating....",
" Wait a minute. How did you even know I was going to be here?".

Tim's pov:

Oh boy...  people wher already starring. Before I could answer.." You read my messages?!" She gasped covering her mouth sounding hurt.
"I...no! I mean not intentionally. Your phone was open and I'm a fast reader. " I defended myself.
"Okay fine but you can't tell me you unintentionally walked into this restaurant!"
"Mari lower your voice. Please. ". She scoffed "No. You can't expect me to not get loud if you pull off crap like this!"
A shockwave knocked us off our feet.
I had instinctively covered Marinette with my body putting one hand under her head and the other behind her tailbone. There was a loud ringing in my ears.
"*Cough*Are you okay?!" I emidietly asked and held my upper body up with my arms looking down at her as the dust settled.
She looked up at me about to say something but then she suddenly hit my left arm and used the momentum to roll us both over.
This time she was on top of me. Our faces where inches apart.
"Now we're even."
I looked to the side confused. In the spot we had been second before was now a good bit of sealing that had fallen down.
Marinette pushed herself off the ground using my face and chest. "*Uff* Seriously?" I asked making her shrug .
Looking up I saw that a few of the walls had caved in a few people where grunting and groaning.
I looked towards the hole in the wall when I heard a familiar voice.
"Sorry to bust in here so suddenly."the penguin laughed as he entered with a few henchmen behind him and bags of money.
Shit! Now it made sense we are right next to the bank.
"Oh look at this guys we have a celebrity present. Let's take him."
"Marinette run away! Get out of here!", "Run away? I'm not going to run way and I'm not taking orders from you!" She said as she grabbed the broken table leg like a club and charged at one of the henchmen with a loud scream.
"Of course she won't run what the heck was I thinking. It's Marinette." I muttered grabbing the other table leg and ran after her.
"I still can't believe... that you where spying on me!" She screamed as she swung at a goon.
" You really want to talk about that now!?", I asked avoiding a punch.
"Yes! I take care of you and as a thanks you stalk me!" This time she hit him.
"Oh and who's fault is it that you had to take care of me huh?! Miss decaff!" , as she was about to swing her club was hit with a freeze ray knocking her a bit of balance.
"Yours! I wouldn't have done that to you if you'd have treated me with some respect!" She knock out the next one.
" Respect! You imbarest me publicly on the first day of you job yet you talk about respect!" I scoffed as I turned towards her .
" And I warned you that you'd regret not firing me!" She chucked the frozen club at me. It missed me by an inch hitting another goon that was heading for me right in the head. She covered her mouth. Hold on... that one was meant for me.

Marinette's pov:

Almost hit him. I almost hit him. I didn't mean to... well I kinda did but...*Uff*
"Tim!" I screamed. A goon had pushed me against him causing him to hit his head on the floor.
"Take him." The penguin ordered. I widened my stance shielding Tim and threw part of a wooden beam at a henchmen knocking him out.
" Little girl cooperat and just step aside. Don't make me get ugly."," It's a little to late for that don't you think? That ship has looong sailed." , ".....Take her as well!"
All of them jumped me at once. I managed to land a few good punches but got overpowered and tied down eventually.
"Oh boss she's a feisty one." A goon smiled excited as grabbed me by the hair and pulled my head back hard.
I winced. " Can we have her?" An other on asked.
"I swear... if you touch her.." Tim threatened as he got pulled up by the back of his shirt. 
" Put them both in the truck. We'll see what we'll do with her."

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