3 Eggs

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Marinette's pov:
Nicolas gave me a private tour of Gotham. Showing me spots where I could relocate if I got lost. When we arrived at my apartment complex I asked " You want to come in or would I make you keep your friend waiting too long?"
" Well seeing as she just invited me in there is no problem." He smiled and followed me.
When we reached the third level we had to walk a bit straight and on the Left side was the door to my apartment. I took a deep breath and opened it.

(Lay out of the apartment)

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(Lay out of the apartment)

Nicolas' pov: I walked in after Marinette and immediately had to catch my breath. "Are you sure this is not someone else's apartment? " I asked.
She giggled," Yeah I'm sure. I asked my uncle to set it up for me. He's out of town right now." She left me at the entrance and went  in to the  kitchen area.
Smiling from ear to ear spinning around . Stopped and leaned over the counter than looked at me. " I would love to offer you a drink buuuut."
" Ohh yeah. You don't even have groceries.", Marinette made a fake sniffle
"I'll have to go shopping all by myself. All alone. At night. With no one to.."," I still have a bit of time sooo." Her frown turned into a gorgeous smile.
I had to look down to stop staring. "Suitcase! Where amm where do I leave it."."Next to the couch. Thanks."
After putting the suitcase away we took a look around for a while. Than relaxed on the big bean bag and talked for a while " Sugar shouldn't you write your parents that you arrived."
" I..I'll call them later." She kind of hesitated. "How about we get a move on. It's getting late and I still have to stock my fridge."
So parents are a touchy subject I could relate." Sure we'll go to the store down the Street."
She gave a quick nod and out we went. We reached the store after 5 minutes. Being the gentleman I am ,I held the door open. "After you Madame."," Mercy beaucoup monsieur."
As i walked in my phone bussed. I bumped into Marinette while I read my message. Before  I could ask she pointed up at the screen that showed us on the security camera.
" Mom asked me where I am.", I said. Than I raised my phone at the screen, "Say cheese. " We posed and I took a picture.
In the end we walked out with 4 grocerie bags." I got everything but eggs. Oh well now I have a reason to talk to my neighbour tomorrow." She shrugged.
I ain't got a clue how someone can be so chill, but it's cool as heck.
When we arrived I helped her put the stuff away. "Nick. I don't know how to thank you. Really you were like my guardian angel today." I immediately had butterflys.
" Well you still owe me a drink and you can even the rest out by giving me your number." She held out her hand smiling.
I didn't think it would work but there I was watching this gorgeous girl typing her number in my phone. When I took it back it bussed.  "Mom wants me home."
" Yeah it's... shit it's all ready 11pm I'm so sorry for keeping you so long."." No it's fine we should do this again." She held her arms open for a hug.
Ofcourse I went for it and it felt like the most sincere hug I ever got. We actually held each other for a while before she pulled away and I instantly missed her warmth.
As soon as she shut the door I started skipping down the hall. I didn't even realise how I got home cause I had her on my mind the whole time. "Mom I'm home!"


Marinette's pov: I barely slept last night. At 8am I had the feeling I'd go crazy if I'd stay in bed any longer. So when I got up I pinned up my hair in a messy bun and put on a jacket.

(Pj pants and she is wearing a sports bra)

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(Pj pants and she is wearing a sports bra)

(The jacket)I was about to make pancakes when I remembered that I didn't have eggs

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(The jacket)
I was about to make pancakes when I remembered that I didn't have eggs.
"Well I guess it's time to meet my neighbour." I didn't even bother putting on my shoes. I walked out of my apartment an knocked on the door on the opposite side of the hall.
It took a few seconds and then the door opened.
A man who looked around the age of twenty four opened the door. He was in only boxer shorts and for some reason he held a pillow in his hand. "What?" Fair enough it only 8:30am.
"Hi do you have eggs." He squinted at me " Can you repeat that?", "Do you have  eggs? I don't need the full carton I only need 3. I'll even give you some of the pancakes. ", he smirked than opened the door for me to come in.
" Oh I'm your new neighbour by the way.", "Yeah I figured. Your parents didn't say anything about you leaving the apartment like that or talking to strangers?" He asked while opening the fridge
" My parents can't tell me anything they are in France.". He looked at me confused.
" I'm emancipated." , "You're living alone? You're a baby. What are you ? Like maby 15?", I gasped.
" I'm turning  18 in like 2 months. Baby my ass ." I mumbled.
" What's up whit the pillow" I asked while he gave me the eggs." I don't know , I just grabbed it .It's 8am cut me some slack ." He nagged .
" Thanks for the eggs." I said and walked out the door " I'm expect my chair of pancakes in half an hour." He said.
I turned around and mockingly saluted."By the way My name is Marinette.", " Jason Todd.", I nodded.
"See you  in a few.", " Yeah you better."
Before I closed my door I laughed "Before I forget, cute ducks."
Jason looked at his shorts. I closed the door to block the pillow that flew towards me.

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