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Jason's pov:
I woke up because some one was kicking my door. After I rolled out of bed I made my way to the door and opened it. Looking down I saw Marinette holding a trai with two plates of pancakes and two cups of coffee.
So I didn't have a weird dream this morning. " Do I have flour on me or why are you staring."
" You're real."," Yeah? Are you not?", I shrugged my shoulders.
" Are you going to let me in or do you want to eat in the hallway?","Right." I step aside and she walked in heading straight for the Coffee table.
After I got the maple syrup I plopped down on the couch next to her. I reached for one of the mugs.
"No!" I instantly pulled back. "Sorry sorry I didn't mean to scare you it's just you were about to take my mug.","And?"." Well let's just say the amount of caffeine could kill an elephant."
" Got it." I grabbed the other mug. " Well now I know I will never introduce you to replacement."
She raised an eyebrow.
" English is only my third language but I'm sure that sentence maid no sense."
" Oh Replacement is a nickname I give my younger brother.", she smiled than said " I always wanted a sibling."
" Well I've got 3 brothers and 2 sister I would gladly give you all of them." I said as I took a bite.
"Busy parents." , " No I'm adopted and so are they. ", " Sorry did you're parents..." she didn't want to finish the sentence but I knew what she was asking.
" My dad yes. Mom couldn't take it and began to drink."( No clue if that's true just go with it)
"So anywhere became better than Home ." She said. But it sounded like she knew what it felt like.
I watched her subconsciously putting both arms protectively in front of her stomach . " Yeah. So I got adopted into Bruce Wayne's family..." Marinette nearly spat out her coffee.
She coughed and hit her chest. " You good? ",
she shook her head and wheeze " What's his name? ", She took a deep breath and tryed calmed down " You said Bruce Wayne adopted you?."," Yes." , "Bruce Wayne as in like Wayne enterprise? " she asked.
Shit why did I tell her all that. I didn't even realise how deep we were already.
What if she's one of those gold diggers.
" Yes why? " ," I'm just a bit nervous because I going to work there from tomorrow on."
Oh that makes sense. " He won't eat you, you know. " I said as she shrugged. She was uncomfortable.
"I have a question. " I said , "Shoot.", "How did you make these pancakes?" I could see the relief in her eyes, then she explained the recipe and how to do it the right way.
She told me she had to finde out the hard way when she was eight and how she nearly burned down the kitchen. So I told her how all of my siblings got banned from the kitchen by Alfred.
"Who is Alfred? " ," That's our butler. ", " Oh you're rich rich."," Bruce is. I'm not." She didn't look convinced.
" Where did you live before the apartment?", " In the manor." ," Public school or private school ?", she smirked. "Private." I murmured. " Did you use the Bus or a personal driver."
" For your info pip squike. I don't go to fancy restaurants, I used to have an apartment in crime alley, I barely have any clothes that have brands and I get in fights regularly. I'M STILL GHETTO!", " Sure what ever you say mr Fancy pants." Ok definitely not a gold digger.
We went back and forth for a while bantering with each other even after we finished eating. We got interrupted when my phone ringed.
" It's Dick." I said.
An evil smile spread across her face. "What are you thinking. " I smiled. "Let me answer."

Marinette's pov:
Jason's eyes lid up and he gave me his phone. I clicked except and speaker. >"Hello?"< I said with the strongest French accent I could conjure.
>"Who is this? "< Dick asked .>"Who are you?"< I asked back.
>"I asked first.<, >Well monsieur I ask second.<, Jason covered his mouth with a pillow.
>Well Madame that's not how it works".< he sounded a bit irritated now.>"Well guess what I don't care."<
>"Who are you!"<, >"Who are you!? You called me!"<
>"I didn't call you! I called my brother!"< , >" I have to confess something."< I tried to keep a straight face.
>"What? "< he asked. I cleared my throat and darkened my voice. >"I am your b...."<
> "Your not my brother! Who are you!"< I huffed >"Pepé le pew....What was your brother's name again?"< I asked. >"Jason."< , >"Hmm. Tall guy with short black hair with a white streak?"<
>"Yes."<, > "Steel blue eyes and a little birthmark under the left side of his jaw?"<, I heard Dick take a deep breath. >"Yes."< I paused , > "Yeah no never met him. Sorry."<
> "WHERE IS MY B..."< I hung up . Jason was about to take his phone back but I pulled away.
"Wait for it." I said. A few seconds later the phone rang again. I picked up >"Hello, who is this?"< I asked in a innocent tone.
>" Don't play dumb with me."< , >" Oh it's you. What do you want?"<
>"My brother!"<, >"Well than I can't help you. Are you sure you got the right number?"<
> "Yes it's his number I'm sure!"<, >"Well third time is the charm try again."<
>"Don't you dare han.."< I hung up. It rang again. "He's so persistent." I groaned. Jason shrugged.
I excepted >"Jason!"<, >"No still me."< I said in a board tone.
>"Give me my brother or else I'll come find you."<, I gasped >"Are you threatening me? I could report you."<
>" I'm a police officer."<

Jason pov:
Marinette's head snapped towards me eyes wide open. I nodded. She gulped than cleared her throat.
>"Oh you mean Jason Todd." < she said in a higher voice and shoved the phone in my face.
Before I could say anything she grabbed her stuff and mouthed good luck and shut the door. "Traitor!"

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