Oh Just you wait

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Marinette's pov:
" Pardon sir I didn't realise tha..." I turned around and the words died in my throat. My brain shut down for a millisecond before,"You?!"
Why? Why why why why? He seemed to compose himself way faster. "Hello to you too." He said.
He was wearing a suit and tie, his hair combed back and...," Is that makeup on yo..","No."
Oh it definitely is. "What are you doing here anyway?" I asked, "I work here." He stated.
I rolled my eyes "No here here." . "This is my office."
I shook my head." This is mr. Drake's office. So maby you got the wrong one."
An expression of guilt flashed over his face but disappeared just as quickly. He closed the door behind him and cleared his throat. "My name is Timothy Jackson Drake Wayne. Tim Travers was.... made up"
he whispered the last part.

Tim's pov:
Her fists clenched. Her jaw did too . Her hurt expression came as fast as it went.
"You planed this didn't you?" She snapped at me. "I knew you were coming but I wasn't aware that you where going to be my personal assistant." I snapped back. " Suuure ." I couldn't blame her.
She had no reason to trust me. "Does anyone know that we..." she didn't want to finish the sentence.
"No I never told anyone about you." She seemed to be relieved. "Well you never told me about anyone or apparently anything."
"Where are you going?" I asked as she stormed towards the door behind me. "H.R !". "You won't get an other position." I said stepping in her way. "Than I want to quit. Move.", she demanded. "You can't. You signed a contract remember." I smirked. "Than fire me."
We came face to face. She still smelled the same. Her attitude changed completely from the girl I used to date.
" Hm no. I don't think I will." ,"What ?", "Why should I get rid of my personal assistant?" I asked.
"Tim...", "It's Mr. Drake for you." Her nostrils flared. " You just can't stand the thought of me being in charge of you can you Marinette?" , "It's miss Dupain-Ceng for you." She said and pointed her finger in my face.
"Well miss Dupain-Ceng you don't point at people. " I said and grabbed her by the wrist.
Her pupils shrunk in fear for a second before it turned into anger. " If you don't let go right now I'm gonna..."
The door opened. Both of our heads snapped towards miss Taylor who was standing in the door.
Marinette pulled her head out of my grasp.
"Miss Taylor never heard of knocking?" I asked.
"I did mr. Drake but than I heard screaming. Is she making trouble?" Miss Taylor asked looking disgusted at Marinette.
"No. Even if. It's none of your business. Is there a reason for your visit?" I asked.
"Yes. Miss Dupain-Ceng I forgot to give you your tablet."she said through her teeth.
"Well ain't that unprofessional. " Marinette said with a pleased smile. Who is this girl? I thought.
Miss Taylor growled " His schedule for this week is already on there. " she gave her the tablet than left and closed the door behind her again.
"Well miss Dupain-Ceng since you received your tablet now. Your job is easy. You organise my work schedule, you run earns for me and overall manage my contracts and meeting. Got it?" She glared at me.
"Fire me." She demanded. "No.","You're going to regret this." She hissed. "Oh really?" I asked. "Oh just you wait."
She laughed.
I walked to my chair and sat down while she stayed there and looked at the schedule.
We worked in silence for a good hour.
I noticed her staring at the door that leads to my 'Office bedroom' which was Bruces idea.
"Ti...Mr. Drake what's in there?",
"Nothing that concerns you. Ms Dupain-Ceng." I held my empty mug in front of her. "What?" ,"Refill my Coffee. You know how I like it. Oh and there is a stack of papers you have to get for me from department 12." I smiled.
Her eye twitch. "I hate you." She aggressively ripped the mug out of my hand and went to open the door.
Oh this will be fun. "And wipe that stupid grin of you face!" She screamed and banged it shut.
I fell back into my chair. Now that I had time to think about it ther are many ways this could go wrong. I pondered for a while. Ther was a knock on the door,"Come in."
Dick walked in. "Hey Timbers. So? What do you think?" , "I think I'll like having her as a personal assistant."
"Guess what? " he asked excited.
"What? ", " She's pepé le pew." He laughed. Right. The phone call yesterday.
"What a coincidence? So she's Jason neighbour?" I pretend to only realise it now. The door busted open.
Marinette walked in backwards. "Here is your stupid Coffee I hope it burns your fu... oh Dick. Hi"
Her voice pitched. "You hope it burns my what?" I asked. She leaned to the right to get Dick out of her view.
"I hope it burns your stress away." She said walking towards me with a sickening grin and slammed the mug so hard on my desk causing the coffee to swap over rim and on my lap. "Ahhg!".
She gasped dramatically." I'm so sorry sir the mug slipped out of my hand." Her lip quivered.

Marinette's pov:
He took deep breaths. " It's fine. " he said biting on his lip. I smiled. "Ohoh Tim the first time you wear a suit to work and this happens." Dick laughed. Tim's eyes widened as he made eye contact with me and my mouth fell open.
" What do you mean first time? He usually doesn't wear suits?"
"No. I'm surprised he even combed his hair today." I looked at Tim with an 'oh really?' look.
"It's almost like made an extra afford today. He put on makeu...",
" Okay!" Tim snapped up from his desk and hit his fists on the table. "Thank you. Get out." He said over politely.
"Aw mr. Drake does he have to? You know since I am your new personal assistant I should know stuff like this."
"Why miss Dupain-Ceng?" He asked. " Well maby to give you pointers on the type of makeup to use for example. Cause this stuff ain't cuttin' it. It's not even your skin tone." Dick snorted. Tim's face flushed.
"I'm sure you have some other time to talk." He said and came out for behind the desk.
Than he pushed Dick out the room. " See you Marinette!" He yelled and I waved before Tim shut the door in his face.
"Now mr. Drake that wasn't very nice." I pouted. He looked at me not amused. Than I had an other thought. I gasped.
"What? " he emidietly asked. " Ow your meeting! You have a very important meeting in 4 minutes down stairs with people from the external branch of W.E!","In 4 minutes! Where! ".
"First level room 10. If you run through the lobby you'll make it." I shoved him towards the door.
"Hurry hurry!" He bolted out the room and I walked after him in a comfortable place laughing to myself.

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