Not sure

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Marinettes pov:

I'm had to remember to apologise to Jason later. I just let everything drop and layed down on the couch. My brain tried to process everything that happened today.

-I saw my X
- He is my boss
- I imbarest him publicly
- He had me run around the entire building the whole day and made me work over hours. Big mistake.
- Jason is his brother
-He lied throughout our entire relationship

I got pulled out of my thoughts when I had the feeling I was being watched. I looked over to my window. Something zoomed past it and up the fire escape.
That's when I realized that I had tears running down my face. After I wiped them away I got up and climbed out onto the fire scape.
I sat down and took a deep breath. "Do you always stare through peoples window or am I just special?" I asked in a loud voice. There was silence for a moment but then someone jumped down onto the railing from the upper level.
"Sorry Miss I was just... resting and than I noticed that know...","Crying." I cut him off.
He nodded. "You're one of Gotham's vigilantes aren't you?" I asked.
"Yes Miss. I'm Red Robin."," So you're the one who ripped down the TV cable from the neighbour complex. ",
" I tripped." He defended himself. I giggled. "Are you at least okay?" I asked.
"Yeah I've been through worse. My job sucks sometimes. "," Still better than mine." I mumbled and crawled inside.
Than I looked back and asked "Are you coming?","Are you s..","I wouldn't bother otherwise." I answered and walked to my counter.
"Do you drink Coffee?", " Yeah.", "How many shots?","How many are possible?", "Aha a fellow addict I see.Would you like to try something I created. It's a self made coffee reci....", " Yes!"

Tim's pov
Nothing was as good as her coffee. It was so hard to go back to regular coffee after we broke up.
"Can I help you with something? " I asked and walked up next to her.
"Mhm could you boil the water?",she pointed over to the cattle and smiled. "Yeah sure."
After I filled the electric cattle and turned it on I looked over to her. Her eyes were still a bit red but she seamed more relaxed and content with her task.
When I looked how she was preparing the coffee my gaze stopped on her left wrist. There was a giant bruise. I only realised that I had took her hand after I wiped my thumb over the bruise.
" Does it hurt? Who did this?" I was mad.
" It's okay. I don't think he meant to grab me so hard. I did point my finger in his face." That was my hand.... I did this? How didn't I realise....?
"I'm sorry." I murmured.
"What?", "I'm sorry that you have a bruise now. "I blurred out. "Oh. It's fine can let go now."," Sorry!"
I got flustered and emidietly let go. She laughed and went back to work. "Do you live alone Ma-dame?",
" Marinette.",
"Marinette ."I nodded. She grabbed the cattle "Yes I do live alone. Why?","Well considering we are in Gotham..","I know I know the city swallows up little girls like me." She said annoyed. I snorted. "My thought was that I now have a reason to come by every now and then to use it for an excuse to get coffee." ,
" Oh. Hehe. Sorry I was- a new friend said it." New friend?
" That's good. So you at least have someone in the city. I'm sure she's nice."," He.", " I'm sorry what? " I asked as she handed the cattle back to me. "He is a he. I met him on the first day here and he kinda showed me around. ".
I didn't like that smile on her face. Not that it didn't look cute on her. Far from it.
But this 'friend' who is a 'he' was causing it. "So you think he's like...cute or...?"," You seem awfully invested in my private life mister." She poked my chest. "I'm just a curious person you know....So is he like your type? " she huffed and crossed her arms over her chest. She handed me the mug and we sat down on her sofa.
" Ah heck why not... He is nothing like my ex except for being tall and muscular. He has blue eyes with a touch of green and messy blonde hair that reminds me a bit of my crush when I was 12." She smiled.
Oh great. I remember 'Adrian'. "So you were in a relationship before?", she thought about it her eyes darkened.
" sure actually. " ," How can you be unsure if you were in a relationship or not?" I laughed.
"Today I found out stuff that..m-made me question everything about our relationship.
That was actually why I was.."
She didn't have to finish. "I'm not sure if he ever..." there was a knock on the door. She went to the door and opened it. Not sure if I ever what!? Before I could ask ,I realized who was at the door.

Jason's pov:

Marinette opened the door. Before I could say something she hugged me. "I'm sorry. I-I didn't meant t..."
"I know." I whispered and held her. Looking over her head I saw a familiar face.
"What are you doing here?" I ask.
Tim opened and closed his mouth like a fish. "You know each other?" Marinette asked and looked up at me.
"Well... he's a vigilante. That's how I know him....yeah. " she suspiciously raised an eyebrow.
After she let me in and I went to sit down on her sofa.
"Anyway. Look I'm sorry if Dick was rude to you.",
"What? Dick?..No nono he was a sweetheart." She plopped down between me and Tim. I stopped.
"B-but you said...","Brother. You have more than one. Remember?" She laughed.
" Damian?" She shook her head. I looked up at Tim who did his absolute best trying to look occupied with his mug and avoid my glare.
"What did Tim do?" Sensing my anger she put her hand on my chest. "Nothing I couldn't handle."I grabbed her hand and looked at her wrist.
" Did he do this?"
" Yes but we believe he didn't do it on purpose." Tim answered quickly.
"I believe I need to talk to him about manners." I growled
"No need. I'll deal with him." She smiled. Tim scoffed "How?" Her smile turnd into an evil smirk making his confidence waver a bit. "Seriously..How?" he sounded panicked.
When she was about to answer I put my hand over her mouth. "No no. She'll tell you another time. It's already late ,she has work tomorrow and you finished your coffee but are still here. You clearly overstayed your welcome."
Marinette tried to protest but couldn't get rid of my hand.
"But, but...","No buts. Crawl back through the window and get going. I'm pretty sure your patrol is over.".
" Fine." He growled. "We'll talk next time." He said looking at Marinette and left.

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