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(4 days after the incident)

Tim's pov:

Today was my first day back to work since I had to recover from a little cold after the incident. Marinette had off till Monday to recover. Bruces orders.
So when I opened the door to my office and was met with the site of her sitting behind my desk working through the paperwork I was caught of guard.
She was so focused that she only knowtest me when I stood next to her.
She looked up and asked "Why are you already ba..". Before she could finish I cut her off with a hug.
Knocking the wind out of her lungs. "Oookay." She awkwardly patted me on the back.
"What are you doing here? You have off till Monday. Did you even really recover? Have you had time to relax at all?"
She pushed me away to an arms length.
"Relax Mom. I'm not the one who passed out remember? You are the one who shouldn't be here." She poked  me in the chest. "Buuut since you're here now. This stack of paper need to be signed. I took the liberty to fill the rest out."
My eyes widened and I smiled making her shrink back.
"D-don't expect this to become the norm.. you got that?" She huffed puffing her cheeks and crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Yes....Are you sure you are okay thou. I heard you fainted after they got us out.".
"I didn't faint..it was a power nap." She stated and sat down on my desk.
Yeah a power nap that scared Jason to death.
As if reading my mind she said " I had to sneak out to work the past few days because Jason wouldn't leave me alone. "
"You scared him." I laughed and sat down in my chair. She smiled and looked away. There was an awkward silence.
"Marinette. You get the day off.".
She rolled her eyes and groaned "This again. I don't need...","I insist. We have to get rid of your over time work hours that I made you do." I said and pulled her of the desk. "But..", "No. No but. Go on, get your jacket and enjoy your day."
"Fine." She grumbled and went to the closet. She pulled out a yellow raincoat and put it on.
"Hellooo Coroline." I said jokingly. "Haha.. very funny." She huffed.
"See you tomorrow." I smiled. "Hhm see you. "

Marinette's pov :

The weather was getting worse dark clouds pulled over the city making me glad that I was wearing my rain jacket.
I wanted to go home after I bought the fabric for my new comtion but my attention got grabbed by a wail.
Following the cry . I saw a little girl no older than maby 4 sitting on a park bench.
I walked up to her and knelt down. "Hi." I smiled. She looked at me and sniffed.
" Where are your parents? " I asked. She shrugged and tears ran down her face again.
"Oh...no need for tears. Shhh. Did you come here with your parents? "
She shook her head and whispered "Babysitter.".  I wiped her tears away with my thumb.
Than she suddenly got up and stretched her arms out towards me. I picked her up. "What's your name?" I asked. "Mar'i."
I gasped "Really? My name is Marinette. But my friends sometimes call me Mari.","Cool!" She exclaimed.
Suddenly it started raining like someone flicked a switch. I pulled off my jacket and put it on her getting soaked down to the bone instantly .
"Do you know where your house is?"
"We are staying with grandpa." , "Do you know where he lives?" I asked feeling the cold wind blow through me.
"He lives in a big mansion."
"Huh what is his name? ", " Grandpa. " she answered. Grandpa grandpa...very helpful.
"Does grandpa live with someone?"
"Mhm Alfi, grandma, uncle Dami, uncle Timy, Cassi and Stephanie."
"I think I know where grandpa lives." This was going to take a while.
30 min later
"Does your grandpa live here?" I asked Mar'i standing in front of an all to familiar gate.
The rain had worsened by now. "Yes! " She answered and snuggled closer. I rang the gate bell and held the child in front of the camera.
"Ye.. Mar'i?!"
"Hi Papa. " She waved . The gate opened and I let her down . She ran to the front door in my large raincoat on. It looked kinda cute. I turned around and walked away.

Tim's pov:
I wanted to get the door but Dick beat me to it ."Hi Papa." I look at the screen and saw my niece waving.
Dick pressed the button to open the gate as I walk to the door. When I opened it I saw Mar'i running towards us with a huge smile.
She was wearing a womans raincoat.
"Papa!" She screamed and jumped into to Dicks arms. "Baby you scared me half to death. Who's raincoat is that?"
" It's hers." She turned around and pointed only to realized that no one was there.
" Wher did she go?" , " Who?"
' "Hellooo Coroline." I said jokingly. "Haha.. very funny." She huffed. '
"Marinette." I whispered. "Yes! You know her?" Mar'i asked. The rain picked up which  I thought was impossible.
"That stupid little..." I groaned and ran out. "Tim! Where are you going!?" ,
"Get some towels and tea ready!" I screamed as I ran through the gate.
Come on... come on.... There! I saw Marinette and caught up to her.
"Where do you think you're going?!" I screamed over the rain. She was soaking wet and had her arms slung around herself. She didn't look to well.
"H-home!" She wanted to pass me but I blocked her.
" The rain is getting worse! I can barely open my eyes. Not even a car can get you home! So please be sensible and come with me!" She looked drowsy. "Mari?!" I asked stepping closer,
"Fine,I'm f-fine!" She assured me. I put my hand on the small of her back and guided her towards the mansion.
I pushed on the door and we went in. Dick and Mar'i where still in the entrance hall waiting.
"Marinette! Why did you leave?" Mar'i asked.
"I d-idn't want t-to bother an-nyone.", "Oh come on nugget you're not a bother." Jason said walking down the stairs with some towels.
"Yeah you could have at least let us thank you for bringing back my daughter." Dick said.
"Y-you should f-fire that babys-sitter.", she answered as Jason wrapped a towel around her after he gave me the other one.
"Papa it's so cool my name is in hers." Mar'i said exited.
"You're right. Kind of funny. Well you can thank your uncle Timy."
Marinette looked at me and I blushed. "Really?"
Mar'i asked reaching her arms out to her father who picked her up.
"Mhm. We couldn't find a good name so we asked around in the family for ideas. When we asked your uncle Tim he suggested the name Mari."
Marinette eyes teared up and she looked away. "Nugget? You good? " Jason asked. She couldn't answer because Alfred interrupt. "Miss Dupain-Ceng I believe you should get out of you wet clothes. I am sure that miss Stephanie won't mind lending you some clothes. There is also hot tea waiting in the living room after you changed.".
"Than-nk you."," I'll show you the way to her room. I have to change anyway." I said.
She nodded and took off her shoes. We walked up the stairs in silence. I wanted to say something but nothing came to my mind.
She was still shaking like a leaf. We reached Stephs room and I knocked. Stephanie opened the door "Marinette!". She hugged her than looked back into the room. "Cass look who's here!" Cassandra smiled and waved from the bed. "C-could I b-borrow  some c-lothes?"  Steph pulled back and looked like she just realized,
"You're soaking wet! Come on get in." She pulled her into the room. "I guess I'll see you d..." the door slammed in my face. How rude.

Marinette's pov:

Steph pulled me over to her closet and opened it. "Take what ever you want and the bathroom is over there so you can blow dry your hair. "
"Thank y-you." I grabbed gray sweat pants a pair of socks and a black hoodie. Than I went into the bathroom.
Even after I was completely dry and drinking hot tea I couldn't seem to get warm.

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