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Tim's pov:

I was a bit worried about Marinette. She went to sleep emidietly after dinner but she never stopped shaking.
When I was about to call it a night I walked past her guestroom. I heard shuffling and ragged breathing coming from her room. "Marinette? " I asked opening the door. She bumped into me making her whine.
"Sorry....are you okay?" I asked as I felt her sweaty hands in the half dark. "Mhm." She groaned and pushed past me.
"H-hey where are you going." I asked following her. She looked unsteady on her feet.
"Home." She whimpered.
"Ho- What? It's past midnight and raining cats and dogs. " I said stepping in front of her. She looked terrible.
Her face was flushed, eyes dazed and sweat dripped down her forehead.
"B-but I need to get home. I don't *Huff* want to make them mad." She whispered trying to get past me.
I put my hands on her shoulders surprised how damped the hoodie was. "You don't want to make who mad?"
" My parents. Teddy you don't know *Huff* how they are when they get mad."
The nickname made me stop in my tracks making it possible for her to get to the staircase. "Marinette wait."
I managed to grab her around the waist before she could take the first step. "Teddy." She cried.
"Shh Marinette everyone is sleeping. Your parents know you're with me." I assured her putting my hand against her forehead making her leaned into my touch. She was burning up.
"Marinette you're way to hot."."Aw really? Well you look dashing as well. " She slurred.
"Thank  you. But I actually meant that you have a high fever.", "Oh." She answered disappointed. "What?" I asked "It's nothing."She looked away.
"We need to break that fever of yours. You think you can get down the stairs.", she nodded and let herself fall forward. "I meant walking!" I picked her up like a little kid. I guess the freezer weakened her immune system immensely and the rain finished her off.
"Did I do something?" Marinette asked laying her head on the crook of my neck.
"What?","You ceap calling me Marinette. What happened to my nickname?" She asked in a sad voice.
Ofcourse. She thinks we're still together. Great. I set her down on the kitchen counter. " no upright. Can you sit upright?" I held her. "Mhm." Her voice broke. I couldn't tell her that we broke up.
I filled a glass of water and gave it to her.
" I'm not thirsty.",
" You need it.",
"But I don't want it!", "Marinette..."she tried to jump off but I held her on the counter. "Let...",
"No! You need to drink something!" I took a deep breath.
"Please?... Bean. " I held the glass in front of her.
She grumbled and took the glass. I turned around and walked to a cabinet. Taking a bottle of vinegar and some paper towels I went back to the counter. She swayed slightly back and forth struggling to stay upright.
"Let's get you on the sofa." I was about to pick her up again but she weakly pushed me away.
"N-no. I can't lay down. I'll throw up." She groane. "Okay. Got it."
I pulled her pant legs up to her knees and took off her socks. Than I soaked the paper towels in vinegar and wrapped them around her calves and feet. I remembered that my mother used to do that a lot when I had a fever as a child.
"It smells so disgusting. " she whined. "I know but it helps." I answered as I brushed a hair strand behind her ear.
She leaned against my chest. "Marinette?". She didn't react. "Hey!?" I grabbed her under the chin and pulled her face up too look at me.
Her breaths came rapidly and her eyes were unfocused. Tears were streaming down her cheeks.
"Shh.", I tried to calm her down.
"My head hurts. It's hot and cold and feel uncomfortable in these stupid clothes." She cried.
"I get it. How about we wait a bit till your fever breaks and then we'll get you some of my clothes." I suggested.
She sniffed and nodded.
The sweat still dripped down her forehead so I took a towel and made it wet wiping her face with it.
"Thanks." She smiled. "I've got you."
About 20 minutes later her fever broke but it was still high so I picked her up and carried her up to my room after removing the vinegar soaked paper towels.
I let her down on my bed and went to my wardrobe. I pulled out some shots ,long socks and a hoodie.
Marinette scrunched her nose.
"What?", "The coulers." , "Huh?" , "They don't match." She said in an obvious tone.
"Mari for the love of God. You're going to sleep not on the red carpet." She crossed her arms and raised her eyebrows making me groaned and look for another hoodie.
I handed her my clothes and explained to her how the shower works.
"What you're not going to shower with me?"She asked disappointed. I gulped. "I-.. n-no. No I... showed this morning."
She pouted.
Before she could say anything else I gave her a towel and left.
I wanted to say yes. I wanted to say yes so bad but I can't do that to her if the fever is still influencing her.
I fell asleep before she was done.
In the night I woke up once because I heard loud breathing.  When I looked over I realized that Marinette was lying next to me holding my hand. She was shivering because I accidentally took the whole blanket.
I grabbed her by the waist and slowly pulled her against me then covered her with the blanket. She pushed her back against my chest trying to get even closer.
I chuckled and slung my arms around her waist and tightened a bit. Leaning my head against the back of her neck.
"I missed this." I sight. She relaxed into me as I drifted back to sleep.
When I felt the sun shine in my face I pulled the pillow under me and buried my face into it.
It groaned and brushed through my hair on the back of my head in response making me melt into it deeper. I heard a whimper under me causing me to look up and open my eyes still in a daze.
"Morning." I whispered and placed a kiss on her collarbone. " No...not yet. " she groaned and turned. I chuckled until I realized what just happened, as if reading my thoughts Marinette sat upright and looked at me with big eyes.
"Oh my God I'm so sorry! Old habits I swear. .... M-marinette? ". She didn't say a word and just starred.
"Mari?" I put my hand against her forehead. Normal temperature. "Yesterday was.... real?" She whispered.
Oh... she's imbarest. "It's fine. Really. You had a high fever. What do you remember? ", " Everything. " she groaned and let herself fall face first onto the pillow. "It wasn't that bad." I said and patted her head. "Sure." She answered in a sarcastic tone.
"Hmm you know what? I feel sweaty. I think I'll take a shower." I said. "Okay. And?"
"What you're not going to take a shower wit..." I got hit in the face with a pillow.
"You are impossible!" She screamed and got of the bed. "Wait wait Marinette I'm sorry." I laughed. "Forget you!"
The door shut before I could say anything.

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