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"You took away the courage of four out of the, now, six Rangers. And even with only two Ranger's left, you still couldn't defeat them. How sad." Jodi said sarcastically. "They're a lot stronger than they look."

"Shut up!" Sledged yelled. "How is this possible?"

"Do the math. They have a sixth Ranger now. And they only have four more to go. At this rate, just give up. They're finding the energems faster than you ever could."

"I said shut up!" He grabbed a random object and threw it across the room.

Jodi slightly flinched. She wasn't frightened from how angry he was, it was just the sound she was sensitive to. "Angry much?" She taunted.

"You annoy me."

"Should have thought about that before you took me under your wing and made me hold that dark energem. But I also thank you a lot for that." Jodi smiled.

"She's pretty much the only other brains in this whole ship, other than me. Maybe you should put her in charge of trying to get an energem instead of Fury." Poisandra said.

"I appreciate the compliment, but no thanks. Because even with me in charge, those stupid monsters aren't going to get anything done."

"How are you so sure it's their fault? Maybe the information you give is just useless." Sledge argued.

"No, they're pretty stupid. I told you about the many times the Rangers were either alone or distracted. I even took photos for you. But neither of them were successful at getting an energem. Not even close. The closest we ever gotten to an energem was with Fury. But even that didn't work out. I have a better idea. Why not let me bring Spite out. I'm sure she would enjoy trying to find a way to get those energems.

"Not a chance. She's a danger to this ship."

"But you won't put her in a cage?" She questioned.

"It's you I trust. Not her." Sledge said. "So what's going on with that plan of yours with the Red Ranger?" He questioned.

"Nothing yet. I've been too busy helping you all up here. Since it's going to get more difficult with them having a sixth Ranger."

"Then what do you suggest I do?"

"I don't know. Use a bomb maybe. It's not like they'll see it coming." Jodi suggested sarcastically.

"That might actually work." Sledge said. "Wrench, make a bomb big enough to destroy the Rangers all at once."

"Yes, Master Sledge!"

"I wasn't being serious." Jodi mumbled.

"Yay! We're so close to getting those energems. Than we can finally get married." Poisandra cheered.

"Anything for you sweet pea."

"I think I'm gonna barf." Jodi gagged.

"I've been dealing with them for as long as I can remember. And I'm still not used to it." Fury said.

"You actually put up with that?" Jodi questioned. She turned her attention back to the doting couple. It was disgusting to see. "Romance is pathetic. I can never imagine doing that with someone. Just the idea of having to fake it makes me uncomfortable. My cheeks hurt from making myself blush all the time." She lifted her hands and began rubbing her cheeks, hoping to get rid of the pain.

"It's fun watching you be someone you aren't." Fury laughed.

"Shut up." Jodi glared. "I'd like to see you put this much effort into your work."

"Do I look human enough to you?" He asked sarcastically.

"I'm sure if we put a wig on you and some makeup you'll look fine. Maybe a bit ugly though. Or a lot ugly."

"You really are an annoyance. How are you so sure the Red Ranger even likes you?"

"Can't you see it? I have no shame in admitting that I have good looks. Add this pretty face to someone with a shy personally, a so-called "kind heart", and someone with a sad past, he's going to pity me. And those feelings of pity will soon turn into feelings of love. And it really makes me laugh." Jodi smirked.

"Pretty? Where?" Fury taunted.

"Right, I forget that your type is basically ugly monsters with eight eyes and six legs." Jodi glared.

"Why did we bring you into this place?" He questioned himself.

"It's a year too late to ask yourself that, buddy." Jodi patted his shoulder. She put her headphones on and turned around. "I'm gonna go find a way to distract the Ranger's. So I'll get going. See ya."

She sent him a small smile before walking through the doors and into the hall full of caged monsters. The music played loudly in her ears as she happily skipped her way past all the monsters making noise.

She took her headphones off once she reached her room. She laid down, a smile slowly forming on her lips, and she slowly started to laugh to herself.

"You seem happy." Spite spoke. "What's making you smile like that?"

Jodi lifted her arm and smiled at her friend. "I'm just trying to Imagine Tyler's face once he realizes my true intentions. Just imagining the horror in his face has me laughing."

"That's just cruel. I love that about you."

Jodi could hear the smile in her voice.

Late update, but hope you enjoyed.
See you Friday :)

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