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"Ahahaha! Oh my- Ahaha!" She was basically wheezing. To the point that she fell off her chair and onto the floor. Her laughter wouldn't stop. And it was beginning to irritate Sledge.

"That's seven Ranger's now. They just found the seventh energem not even a month later. This is hilarious."

"Shut up!" Sledge yelled. "How is this so funny to you?"

"Maybe it's because it's taken you millions of years to just find one, and they found seven in just a little over a year."

"You annoy me."

"You're welcome." Jodi teased. She sat back up and wiped the tears away. "Seven." She wheezed to herself.

"Fury is going to be in big trouble once he get's here." Poisandra said, a happy tone heard through her voice.

"You bet he is." Sledge growled as he walked out the room.

"You need to stop with that attitude of yours if you don't want to get kicked off the ship." Wrench warned.

"Relax, he's not going to kick me off. He needs me. Now if you excuse me, I'm gonna go follow him."

Jodi stood up and walked out the room. She looked around for a bit, but she knew where they were once she heard Sledge's yelling.


"These he is." Jodi walked into the room to see Sledge beginning to corner Fury

"I sent you to destroy the Rangers! Now there's even more of them!"

"Indeed I failed. But no one wants revenge as badly as I do. Give me another chance." Fury begged.

"My patience will run out. Just like your nine lives." Fury said as he walked out the room.

"Thanks for the entertainment. I had a good laugh out of this. A really good one." Jodi smiled.

"Do you ever just shut up?" Fury questioned.

"No. But I do have something that might help." Jodi winked.

"And what might that be."

Jodi walked over to him and puled out her phone. "Apparently New Zealand has their own hero." She said, showing him a news article from New Zealand. As she scrolled down, a picture of a purple Ranger popped up.

"Another Ranger! But how?" He questioned.

"Not sure. But from what I could tell, the Ranger's don't know about it yet. So you might want to get moving and find whoever this is before the Ranger's do."

"And why are you helping me? Don't you want to take all the credit?"

Jodi scoffed at his words. "As if I care about taking credit. I'm here to watch this everything get bored down to pieces, and to get some entertainment every time one of you fails to get another energem. And this is the seventh one, so I've been getting a lot of entertainment."

"You enjoy everyone's failure a little too much."

"I know." Jodi smiled. "I'm gonna go get some rest now. It's been a long week. Sorry that stupid robot didn't work. Maybe next time."

She patted his shoulder as she turned around to leave. "What do you plan to do if they lose this next energem?" Spite asked.

"Isn't it obvious. I'm just going to end up laughing even more." Jodi smirked.


It was all just smiles when Chase was around his sister, Chloe. After not being able to see her in so long, he couldn't be happier to have her with him. And after a long couple of days of just nonstop fighting, he was finally able to spend some time with her. Unfortunately it was her last day, but he used that day to his advantage by taking her skateboarding.

"You're doing great." He smiled as he held onto her arms to prevent her from falling.

She jumped off the skateboard and started jumping around happily. "The next champion! Just like my big brother!" She smiled.

A car pulled up next the them and honked their horn. "I have to go already." Chloe frowned. She ran over to her backpack and pulled out a gift, then handing it to Chase. "It's for you. Open it."

Chase opened up the box to see a plane ticket. He couldn't help but to smile.

"It's a plane ticket to New Zealand so you can see mum and I for Christmas." Chloe smiled."

"Chloe, this might just be the best present I ever got. I wouldn't miss it for the world." Chase leaned down and picked her up, placing her on his shoulder.

He walked over and grabbed her bag, then taking her to the car. He placed her down and helped her inside the car. "I'll see you on Christmas." He smiled.

"Bye, Chase."

He closed the door for her and watched as the car took off. Chloe rolled down the window and stuck her head out, waving to him as she drove off.

"You're such a good older brother."

Chase turned around confused, but smiled when he saw Jodi. "Thanks. Were you watching all that?"

Jodi shrugged. "Maybe. It was too cute not to."

"She means the world to me." Chase said.

"You guys are so cute together. I wish I had what you two have." She frowned.

She hated seeing how close they were. It just reminded her of Andrew. She hated just thinking about him.

"It's fine. You have Koda and I. Plus, maybe even a boyfriend." Chase winked, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

"I told you to stop with that." Jodi glared, forcing herself to blush at his comment.

"You're blushing." Chase teased. "I should take a picture. I'm sure Tyler would enjoy seeing your strawberry cheeks."

"Don't you dare." Jodi argued.

"Alright." He then felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He pulled it out and looked down at the message. "I have to get going. The other's are waiting for me. Stop by later."

"I'll see what I can do." Jodi smiled.

Chase put his helmet on and patted his own head. "Later." He winked. He sent her one last wave before taking off on his skateboard.

"What an interesting being."

"Yup." Jodi scoffed.

She turned around and started walking the other way. It hadn't even been a minute before she stopped after seeing a familiar face. It was Andrew. He had a large smile plastered over his face. And he wasn't alone.

Right besides him was a girl, probably around his age. But there was also a little girl, maybe around three or four. And she looked a lot like him. It didn't take long to put the pieces together that that was his girlfriend and his child.

Jodi scoffed at the scene in front of her. If she looked any longer, she wouldn't be able to control her anger.

Her hands bawled into fist as she turned around. She felt like punching someone or throwing something. Maybe even both. But her breathing was getting heavier and her heartbeat was increasing. And slowly, the ringing was coming back. She covered her ears in hopes of doing something, but nothing helped.

"Are you alright?" Spite asked.

"I will be. Just not right now."

Jodi turned her attention back to her brother. They had stopped by an ice cream truck where he bought the three of the an ice cream cone. Why here of all places. He left her back in New York just to move all the way to California to make a new family without her. She couldn't wait for this place to disappear.

Sorry, forgot to update yesterday.
Hope you enjoyed!
See you Friday :)

Strawberry (Power Rangers Dino Charge - Tyler Navarro)Where stories live. Discover now