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He had the chance to defeat Fury, but with the possible chance that his father might be the spirit inside him, Tyler didn't want to risk it. He came here looking for his father. If that spirit was actually him, Tyler knew he needed to save him. Though, he did feel a bit guilty that he didn't destroy Fury. Because it meant that they still had a lot of fighting to do. But thankfully, they were able to get the gold ernergem back.

After his conversation with everyone, he decided to go out for a bit and get some air. His feet led him all the way to a random park. He found a random bench and decided to take a rest.

His eyes felt tired. He closed his eyes and leaned his head back. The light breeze felt nice as it his him. And it did calm him down. But he still felt sad and guilty about everything that had happened.  All that work to dress up as a prince for nothing.

He heard the sound of a camera flash. He opened his eyes and looked around. Jodi stood to the side awkwardly holding her camera. "I didn't think it would be that loud."

Tyler let out a slight laugh. "Taking pictures?" He asked.

Jodi nodded her head as she made her way over to him. "I'm sorry. I'll delete it right now."

"No." Tyler said. "It's fine. Mind if I see it?"

Jodi gave him a small nod. She sat down on the bench and handed him the camera. Tyler smiled when he saw the picture of himself. "You're really good." He complimented.

He began scrolling through more photos. Jodi quickly took the camera away. "Sorry, I don't like showing people my stuff."

"Sorry. But from what I saw, everything looked amazing. You should show this off more. You won't get anywhere if you're too afraid to show people"

"I guess you're right." Jodi smiled. "But I can't help to be self conscious about them. Because I know I still have a lot to learn. But one day I'll be a professional."

"I'll be rooting for you on the sidelines."

"Thanks. Apparently I missed a good opportunity here. I heard the prince and princess of Zandar came to visit. I can't believe they came to visit Amber Beach. What a lost opportunity to take some pictures." She pouted.

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure a better opportunity will come to you soon." Tyler smiled. "Like tomorrow. We still have the Stone of Zandar. And we have an exhibit going on tomorrow if you'd like to stop by. Maybe you can take some pictures there."

"That sounds great." Jodi smiled. Her cheeks grew big. A slight shade of pink. Tyler found it insanely cute.

"So what's going on with you? If I'm being completely honest, you looked quite sad. Did another fight go on."

"No, nothing like that." Tyler let out a sigh. "Everything is fine. I'm just really missing my dad right now. I just really want to know if he's doing alright."

"What happened to your dad?" Jodi asked.

"I'm not sure, honestly." He said. " It's been ten years since I last saw him."

Jodi frowned at his words. "I'm sorry to hear about that. Must have been a struggle not being able to see him all this time."

"It has. He just randomly disappeared one day. And I haven't seen him since. I just hope that he's safe somewhere. And that he's not in danger. Or that he isn't in any pain. I just really miss him." Tyler frowned. "It's been a long day."

"I'm always here if you ever need to talk. Just give me a call, and I'll be there. That is if I'm not busy. But I'm sure you can call." She said awkwardly.

Tyler let out a slight laugh at her awkwardness. He looked back at her, then noticing her rubbing the center of her palm. He tilted his head in confusion. "You nervous?" He asked.

"Huh? Oh, no. It's just become a habit." Jodi said.

"Are you feeling better? I haven't seen you since you kinda freaked out the other day. I hope it wasn't anything too bad."

"I'm better." Jodi said hesitantly. "I'm not the biggest fan of loud noises. Makes me think about all my bad memories from New York."

"I'm sorry to hear that. It must've been hard."

Jodi nodded her head. "I hated it. Chase always talks about how he misses New Zealand. How he want to see his sister and his mom again. But I'm not like that. There's not a single part of New York that I miss. I just wish I had Chase in my life before I moved here. He's helped me a lot. He's made this place become a home for me.

"It's good to hear that you were able to find peace somewhere else."

"I'm still in the process of healing, and I'm still working on it. But I have Chase and Koda. And now I have more friends." She said, smiling up at Tyler.

Her smile was so contagious. Her cheeks were red again. Probably from how happy she was. It was adorable. "Your cheeks do look like strawberries when they turn red." He teased.

Jodi turned her head away from him. "You really are becoming like Chase." She glared.

Tyler let out a slight laugh. "Sorry. It's just really cute."

His comment caused her to blush even more. But she wasn't going to let him see that. Suddenly, her watch started buzzing. She rolled her eyes and stood up. "I have to get going. My work job is kinda being a pain right now. "They need me."

"Alright then. Will I see you tomorrow?" He asked.

Jodi smiled at Tyler. "Definitely."

Her smile never went away. And it just made his smile grow even more.

Sorry for the late update.
Another update coming tomorrow

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