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After skating for a while now, Chase was getting nowhere to finding that monster. He stopped skating and sat down on the ground to catch his breath. Up ahead, he could see a familiar face walking down the streets.

Jodi happily ate her ice cream as she walked around, her camera still around her neck. Chase stood back up and made his way over to her. "Someone seems happy. Well, you always seem happy when you're eating something strawberry related." Chase said.

"You scared me. Where did you come from?" She asked.

"Oh, you know, just skating around." He lied. "And you?"

"Just taking a stroll. Also practicing a bit. Nothing much to take pictures of though." Jodi frowned.

"What about me?" Chase teased.

Jodi rolled her eyes and began walking away from him. Chase began to follow her. "Where are the others?" She asked.

"Back at the cafe cleaning up. I got kicked out for the day." He said.

"Did you set the grill on fire again?"

"No." Chase glared. "I kinda got into it with Riley." He said honestly.

"What happened?"

Chase let out a sigh. "He just doesn't get me. He can't take anything I do seriously. He thinks all I do is just mess around. But I am serious. When I need to be of course." He explained.

"Not to make it seem like I'm taking sides, but I'm sure Riley has his reasonings as to why. But you just need to prove to him that you are serious. You proved it to me." Jodi smiled.

"I should use you as an example." Chase groaned.

"I feel like you two are going to be great friends. But I also see a lot of arguing in the future. Specifically from the two of you. You two seem like you're going no to bump heads a lot. Jodi smiled.

"We are complete opposites." Chase smiled.

"It'll work out. I know-"

Jodi looked down under her shoe when she stepped on something odd. "Gross, what is that?" She questioned.

Chase looked down, it was a weird purple slime. Almost in the texture of frosting. "What in the world?"

Chase looked around, he could see a chef hat running behind an old building. "I just realized something important. I have to go. I'll see you later."

"Umm, okay? Bye."


After the fight between Chase and Riley, the other three decided to go out and look for the monster that had ran from them. Koda was up in the tree looking around, but he couldn't find anything. He let out a sigh before jumping down to the jeep, causing Tyler and Shelby to jump. "I see no monster."

"Let's search north-east." Shelby said.

"Got it." Tyler said. He started off the car and drove off.

Neither of them saw anything for a while. But one thing did catch Kodak's attention. "Stop the car."

Tyler immediately stopped the car. He and Shelby then turned around to him. "You see anything?" Tyler asked.

Koda didn't say anything as he jumped out the jeep and ran into the park. "Where is he going?" Shelby questioned.

"It seems serious. We should follow him." Tyler said.

The two hopped out of the jeep and ran after Koda. But they looked at each other in disappointment when they realized that he had just ran over to hug Jodi. "She's really loved by everyone." Shelby sighed.

Strawberry (Power Rangers Dino Charge - Tyler Navarro)Where stories live. Discover now