34. Punishment 🤭 (M)

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Jk entered their bedroom after the dinner and was meet with the most fascinating sight.

Jk entered their bedroom after the dinner and was meet with the most fascinating sight

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Tae's look

Jk eyed Tae from top to bottom and walked towards her with a smirk on his face. He pulled Tae towards him by keeping hands on her waist.

Jk- Is this your punishment? (whispered in her ear)

Tae didn't said anything instead pulled Jk into a lip smashing kiss. She fisted his shirt in a tight grip while chewing his lips. Jk's hands travelled to grab her ass. Tae moaned at Jk's action. Taking the advantage Jk latched on her tongue sucking it intensely. Tae sneakily removed a ribbon from her pocket and tied together Jk's hands. Jk was soo lost into the kiss that he didn't noticed his wife's naughtiness. Tae wanted to break the kiss but Jk wasn't allowing her therefore she pinched his nipple to let go of her. Finally Jk broke the kiss and noticed his hands being tied with a red ribbon.

 Finally Jk broke the kiss and noticed his hands being tied with a red ribbon

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Jk- Taehyung what is this? Why did you tied my hands?

Tae smirked at Jk and traced his cheeks with her fingers seductively.

Tae- Did you forget about the punishment babyboy?

Jk looked at Tae with mouth wide open.

Jk- Taehyung this is not fair. I already said sorry.

Tae didn't said anything instead walked forward making Jk walk backwards. When they were about to reach the bed, she pushed Jk making him fall on the bed. Tae removed her shrug and hovered over him. Tae bought his face closer to Jk and whispered in his ear.

Tae- Today I am gonna enjoy and you are gonna feel.

Saying this she removed another ribbon and tied around Jk's eyes.

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