1. We collide again

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One correction. Murtasim will find Meerab one month later❤️✨

Meerab asks Farukh to leave as once guards see her, she knows they will not leave Farukh easily. Her eyes moistened, remembering how Murtasim rescued her and took care of her. She reminisced about that day also when they had a serious fight when she saw Haya very close to her husband. Same like she saw him a month ago. Love or not, a wife can never tolerate a girl around her husband. She closed her eyes tightly to gather the courage to face him, as she had to face reality now. She needs to face Murtasim because he has the right to know about his daughter.

"Thank you so much for helping me, Farukh. This means a lot, and we will help you once I make Murtasim understand you", Meerab replied and requested him to leave

"This is my number. If you need help, then I will be there for you ", Farukh replied and went from there, fearing Murtasim's arrival as he knew Murtasim would not leave him alive if he got to know that all the time he was lying.

Meerab smiled and entered the house to find Mai cleaning the house. On seeing her, Mai widened her eyes in shock. Meerab realised why she was shocked and passed a nervous smile to her and sat on the couch

"Hello Mai", Meerab greeted Mai and looked down, not knowing what to say further and how to talk with her. She doesn't have anything to say now. She is speechless and felt her eyes moistening again. How can she manage everything now? She was thinking of continuing her studies, and now, this pregnancy

"Bibi ji... You... Khan, sir, has been searching for you for a long time. Where were you?" Mai asked

"I want to take a rest", Meerab said and went towards their room. She sat on the bed and recalled how Murtasim took care of her and was frightened when she was not even injured. She started to think about how he would react if he got to know about her pregnancy. How will he react? And how possessive he will become when he finds this truth. She was recalling old memories with him and didn't realise when she slept.

After some time, Murtasim came there running and asked Mai where is Meerab. When Mai told him about her, he ran towards their room to find her sleeping in an uncomfortable position. His eyes glistened on catching a glimpse of her after one month in front of him. How his heart was longing for her presence, but he was unable to find her. He walked towards her and touched her face with tears. He feared her presence to be a dream and held her hand and pinched himself to check if it was a dream or reality.

A smile adorned his face when he realised that this was not a dream but reality. She is really in front of him. She was sitting on the bed and dozed off. He sighed in relief on finding her and layed her on the bed carefully. Just then, Meerab opened her eyes which scared Murtasim. He took his hand back and looked here and there to ignore eye contact with her.

"You were sleeping in an un...", He was about to explain, but Meerab stopped him in the middle by showing her hand to him

"Where were you? Are you fine?", Murtasim asked to which Meerab nodded and looked down to gather courage, but she was feeling very nervous about talking about pregnancy. She is feeling shy about sharing this news with him and is worried too. How will he respond? And will he believe her?

The night when they fought, the fight flashed in his mind and the sight when they consumed. She squeezed the bed sheet tightly to gain strength and control herself from breaking down right now. She is feeling very weak because, for the past month, she was not mentally fine. She was battling with herself, thinking about her future. She needed some time alone but couldn't because of pregnancy. She looked at him to see him waiting for her to say something.

"Meerab, do you want to say something? And did you eat something? Where were you? I have been looking for you for the past month. I... I was very scared. Did someone touch you? Did someone harm you?", He asked to which Meerab shook her head and again looked down. Fresh tears rolled from her eyes which scared Murtasim. He wants to embrace her tightly, but he is reluctant to touch her like this. Holding hands are normal, which she permitted a long ago, but they never hugged eachother willingly. 2 times, she hugged him in anxiety, and that lasted a few seconds. He doesn't want to make her feel uncomfortable around him when he doesn't know about her feelings.

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