15 : Unsaid Confession

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Meerab caressed his hair softly to calm him down. Murtasim wiped his tears and pulled Meerab into a hug to get some strength to look normal. For a son who was loved dearly, the mother's ignorance looks worse. He is heartbroken as to save one relationship he broke another. He can't bear his mother's ignore and her words stabbed his heart. He tightened the hug to absorb his pain in her embrace. Meerab felt his pain as she knew the feeling of getting abandoned by her parents. She rubbed his back softly and kissed his forehead showing her support.

Murtasim looked down as he felt ashamed of breaking his mother's trust twice and after marriage, he changed his behavior toward his mother. She was a single mother but never let them feel the loss of a father and he saw his father in her behavior. He completed 2 years of his graduation when he got to know that his father was sick and when he came back, his father died. From that day Ma Begum always supported him and became his wall. She took care of Haya and Mariyam by providing the same love to both and he completed his duties as a good brother. He left his studies and started living here and was used to hearing constant praise from his mother. Now when the same mother disowned him, he felt the world slipping under his feet.

"Don't worry. We will handle everything together Murtasim. I... I can't see you crying. Please stop crying. How I will go?", Meerab asked and continued rubbing her hand on his back softly. Murtasim sighed and broke the hug and noticed her moistened eyes.

"Is she hurt because I'm crying?" He wondered and took a deep breath to talk with her. He held her hand and stared at her beautiful and soft hands. He rubbed his thumb on the back of her palm and noticed her shiver with his touch. He can feel her unconditional love for him and feel so blessed that he got his love back. He used to feel himself unlucky in love but not anymore.

"I'm not crying. I'm just hurt", Murtasim replied and helped her to sit on the sofa in the hall but Meerab stood up immediately realizing she needed to fight for her husband who always stood for her. Here she is the one to be blamed not him. She walked towards Ma Begum's room and stopped when she reached near door. Her heartbeat raised in fear and she stepped back only to be held by Murtasim

"I'm with you but can't face her. I'm ashamed so if you can help I would be thankful for my whole life", Murtasim whispered near her ear encircling his arm on her waist from her back. He pulled Meerab back and kissed her shoulder. "I will not hear a word against you so go without any fear", Murtasim whispered again and slowly moved his hand towards her arms and rubbed them softly to give her support. Meerab turned with a smile and nodded, Murtasim blinked his eyes in assurance and gestured for her to go. He stood near the door to hear thier conversation when Meerab entered the room taking baby steps.

"Ma Begum", Meerab called her while entering with baby steps. She felt like she was going to meet the strict principal of her school and her best friend was waiting for her near the door. No doubt he acts as a best friend sometimes and wishes they had the same relationship from childhood then she would have tried to manage with him happily. If she had known his loving nature before then she would have fallen for him a long ago

"Why you come back now? If you hated Murtasim and us then what is the need to come here ?", Ma Begum snapped at Meerab angrily

"I don't hate him and I came back here for him because that is my right", Meerab replied confidently like she always did but this time she got strength from her husband as she knew if not him then she would have never gathered to manofy her. She never pacified anyone but for him, she needed to do it because she couldn't see him upset.

"Leave me alone. I don't want to talk with you both. Go to your room with your husband if you consider him the one", Ma Begum said, her voice softened on listening to Meerab's words but she didn't change her expression as she was deeply hurt and both of them couldn't heal her sorrow. Only if she knew Meerab came with an innocent life who would take sadness from this house and light this home with his or her innocence

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