20 : Confession

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When Meerab stopped speaking, she left his collar and darted her gaze away from him as she felt herself weak at that moment. She doesn't want to start crying again because that's not her. She is strong and doesn't cry easily but his ignorance was testing her patience and today she lost it. How can he think she doubts his love? Does he realize how difficult it is for her to express her feelings to him and let him touch her without her will?

She looked at him and wondered why he seemed happy after hearing her lecture. She said everything to make him feel guilty but noticing his smile made her think is he crazy. She turned away again when her heart felt heavy remembering how much she missed him and his presence for 2 days and he was totally ignoring her. When she vomited everything, she needed him to hug her tightly and console her but he was not even looking at her which made her feel unwanted in this house. If not Mariyam then she would have left thinking he doesn't love her. Her thoughts came to a halt when she heard his voice

"Confessing love doesn't result in anything bad", Murtasim said and held her hand when he found her lost in her thoughts. He moved closer to her and slowly joined their forehead. He missed her and her fragrance, her laughter, her anger, and her sweet voice. He was busy handling Zubair's case and was going to his fields to find proof at night. That's the reason he came home late and called his sister to take care of Meerab because he is afraid to take a risk. What if his child died?

He closed his eyes feeling her presence and brought thier intertwined hands between their lips and kissed the back of her palm. His hand touched Meerab's lips by mistake and opened his with a zerk as her mere touch aroused him. But he needed to control himself for 3 more months, he noticed her blush and chucked at her. He noticed her opening her lips to say something and closing them again without saying anything which made him think, she was finally about to confess her feelings but her reply destroyed his mood completely

"That was a slip of the tongue", Meerab said finally realizing why he looked so happy and relaxed. His face looked so carefree and happy but when she tried to cover up and lied about her feelings she noticed his face fell and he pulled his hand back and looked at her in shock

"We know that you are lying Meerab. You don't need to be insecure. I love you so much. I'm sorry for overreacting. I was scared Meerab. Please don't do this again as you will...", he stopped in the middle as he didn't want to increase her fear. He was about to warn her that she might end up losing him but he didn't say anything more as he knew that was not needed. He is just scared to lose their baby because of her carelessness but he also knows he can never hate her because true love can never change into hate

"I will? What will you do? I am not scared...", Meerab said and pushed him which alerted him, and rather than going back, he moved close to her and hovered over her. Meerab lay on the bed and placed her hand on his chest to keep her distance to keep their child safe. She doesn't want him to lose his balance and kill their first child.

Murtasim understood her action and smiled. He leaned down and removed the dress a little from her shoulder from one side and started kissing her neck. Meerab moaned his name and tried keeping distance between them which automatically vanished when he sucked her neck and looked towards her. When Meerab put her hands down, he intertwined their fingers which altered Meerab but she couldn't say anything because of proximity. She felt her heart beating rapidly, her heart was not in her control but his. One look at his handsome face and game over. He didn't stop and continued kissing her other neck for a while which sent chills on her body and she felt butterflies in her stomach. She felt giddy when his lips were in contact with her. He stopped for a while moved towards her face and kissed her cheeks.

She wanted to stop him but at the same time, she didn't want him to stop. Confused enough? She is scared they might end up making love to eachother but at the same time, she trusts Murtasim and wants to let him do whatever he wants. After all, she also missed him and his touch. It's just she doesn't want to accept the fact that she missed his sweet gestures and he loves taking the initiative.  In love, there is no appropriate it inappropriate touch. She doesn't have any problem with him, she is just scared for their unborn child.

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