9 : Tumhare Alawa koi ni hai

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Meerab stayed with her parents hardly for 10 minutes and requested them to take her back home as she felt suffocated in the hospital. Moreover, she is angry at Murtasim for talking about Haya. She hates Haya and has no sympathy left for her because she was trying to break their beautiful paradise. Even if they were facing hurdles but at least they were happy together and Meerab had no regrets to stay with him.

Soon they came out and noticed Murtasim standing near his car talking over his phone. She assumed that he was waiting for them otherwise he would have left. A part of her felt satisfied but her ego couldn't accept that he is there for her.

"I will not sit with him", Meerab said gaining Murtasim's attention he declined the call to look at Meerab who was standing near the passenger seat, and Wakas and Aneela already sat in the back seat. He pressed his lips to control his smile as she still have the option to sit in the back seat but she want to sit with him he assumed and walked towards her

"Why? You fought again?", Aneela asked

"She can't breathe before fighting with me ", Murtasim replied and opened the door of the passenger seat for her but Meerab looked away as she doesn't want to sit with him till he asks sorry for his behavior but she is afraid to ask same as their parents are in front of her and they might doubt his intentions. She already messed things up and can't ruin more now

"Meerab baitho ", Murtasim said politely and touched her shoulder softly Meerab jerked his hand and looked at him angrily

"Go to...", Meerab was about to taunt about Haya but Murtasim interrupted her in middle

"If I went then you will regret your words. Sit inside otherwise, I will pick you up and throw you inside the car. Your parents won't even question", Murtasim said angrily. Meerab huffed in anger and sat on the passenger seat showing her irritation but from the heart, she is happy as her family is complete because of him. She looked at him when he sat in the driving seat and recalled the times they were together on a ride. Indeed he looks handsome and is irresistible. For once she now wants to touch his beard to see how it feels and want to assure him that she will not leave him at any cost.

Before she never dreamt of a future with Murtasim but now she dreams of a happy married life with him with her child. She plans for the future and wonders how she will teach her children good manners. She wants her children to be strong and independent like her and caring and loving like Murtasim. She adores one quality in him that Murtasim accepts his mistake easily whereas her ego comes in between and she never asks for forgiveness even after knowing her mistake very well.

She looked outside the window to ignore eye contact with him as these days his eyes are hypnotizing. She gets lost in his eyes and feels herself moving away from the world. Her heart wants only him in her life, not anyone else. She wants to move forward in their relationship but not now. She wants a complete family with him where her son will be on her side and her daughter on his side. She wants to become a lawyer and win cases. Hopefully, she will win her first case for her husband by giving him all his property back.

Soon they reached home and she directly went to her room without talking to anyone and sat on the bed tired. Murtasim came behind her and filled a glass of water for her and forwarded it in front of her. Meerab turned her face rejecting his offer to which he chuckled as he knows she would do that for sure.

"Not for you but for my child. Have it", Murtasim said and bend in front of her. Meerab finished drinking water as she was thirsty but was reluctant to take help she can't resist him for a long time as their situation changed and so did her behavior toward him. She placed the glass aside and looked away from him as she don't want to fight with him anymore. They already fought enough in the hospital and the car. Many times she feels guilty for lashing out at him in anger and this time she is guilty again. But what she can do when she loses her temper because of Haya?

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