26 : Meri Meesam

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Ma Begum with Aneela, Wakas, and Anwar walked towards Meerab and hugged Meerab. They congratulated Meerab and showed their excitement to her. They picked Meesam one by one and thanked Meerab for such a wonderful gift. Half an hour later Anwar cleared his throat to gain attention

"Can I talk with Meerab privately?", Anwar asked to which everyone nodded and left leaving Meerab and Meesam with Anwar

"Thank you so much Meerab for gifting me a daughter again. I'm your culprit and I'm sorry for that. Please forgive me once. I promise I will never disappoint you. I was blinded by love and thought you were the reason I lost my love. Please forgive your father", Anwar requested joining his hands in front of Meerab as he was trying every possible way to gain forgiveness but he didn't know if he earned it or not. He used to talk with Meerab, take her for a walk, wash her dishes, and bring chocolates for her as Meerab never asked him to bring any particular item. She always used to order Murtasim which sometimes made him feel jealous that she was comfortable with only one person but later he realized it was all his mistake and also of other family members who told the truth to her in a drastic way which broke her soul

"You are forgiven. Please don't join hands like this", Meerab said and pushed his hands back. Anwar smiled happily when Meerab opened her arms for him and he hugged her tightly again. Soon they heard a knocking sound and parted sway. Meerab passed a smile towards Anwar and laid again thinking to take a rest but on noticing Murtasim she got angry and asked angrily

"Aab kyu aae ho? Jao yaha se", Meerab said angrily covering herself with the sheet showing her anger. Anwar left the room and closed the door to give them privacy. Murtasim smiled and walked towards the crib to pick up Meesam and picked his daughter in his arms. His eyes moistened seeing his daughter sleeping and felt bliss. He thanked God for gifting such a beautiful daughter

(Pyared to God as I guess Muslims thank Allah so consider that❤️)

He is a father now, this fact is very special to him because he was waiting for this moment for a long time and finally he got a chance to live this moment. He touched Meerab's forehead carefully and closed his eyes living the moment. He forgot the whole world when he picked his daughter in his arms. His blood, his princess, and his lifeline. What could be the best feeling for a man rather than this? He is a complete man today because he is a father now. He walked towards Meerab slowly and sat on the bed beside her

"See Meerab. She is so cute. My Meesam", Murtasim said, his lips fumbling with happy tears. He hugged Meesam close to his heart and felt tears rolling through his eyes. This was not planned but tears automatically made easy through his eyes when he lived the feeling of being a father. A moment he longed for and the most awaited moment for him.

"Now it is my Meesam for you. Wow. That's why you forgot your Meerab. Where were you?", Meerab asked raising her eyebrows and looking at him with questioning eyes. Murtasim smiled and held her hand carefully by removing his hold from Meesam's back

"I can never forget my Meerab. I went because the doctor asked us to stay here for 2 days and if not us but Meesam needs clothes right? What if she fell sick? That's why I went. Sorry for not waiting for you. Meesam would have caught a cold", Murtasim reasoned to which Meerab nodded understanding him. She can't fight on this topic anymore as he left with no crumbs to fight now. She opened her arms for Murtasim to put Meesam in her hands. Murtasim smiled and kissed the forehead of Meesam and put Meesam on Meerab's arms

"See she is very beautiful just like you ", Murtasim said wrapping his arm around Meerab and hugging her from the side. Meerab placed her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes feeling blessed to pick her baby in her arms. She never thought she would live the feeling of being a mother but be made it true. Everything looks like a dream to her from the time he entered her life and took out all her sorrows.

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