Epilogue ❤️

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I'm sad + emotional 🥺🥺

"No, I will handle that", Murtasim replied to her and helped her to lie on the bed. Meerab smiled feeling his strong gaze on her. He covered her with the sheet kissed her forehead softly and let his lips linger on her forehead for a while. Meerab hissed when she felt sharp pain on her abdomen and looked at him emotionally. Murtasim wiped her tears and shook his head gesturing her not to cry

"I was very scared Meerab. I can't see you crying", Murtasim whispered as he recalled her delivery period when she was screaming in pain and he was unable to do anything. He wanted to help her and take her pain but he couldn't do anything. That time he felt very helpless and couldn't soothe his wife's pain. He touched his forehead with hers holding the edge of the bed in one hand and the bedsheet from the other to balance himself.

"I am fine Murtasim. You don't need to worry. Now you should also take a rest. Where are other family members?", Meerab asked

"Maybe they left as only one or 2 people are allowed to stay ", Murtasim replied and layed beside her. The bed is small and eligible for one person but right now Murtasim needs her and wants to keep hugging her till his heart is satisfied. He softly laid Meerab's head on his chest and started caressing her back and hair as well

"You don't need to worry. They are just following hospital rules ", Murtasim whispered near her ear and kissed her head. He felt her taking deep breaths which made him smile as he knew he was the reason for her long breaths. He encircled his arms around her waist to secure her and closed his eyes trying to sleep. He is very tired as he didn't sleep last night. Last night he was unable to sleep because of her delivery and today he was busy the whole day buying dresses, completing chaos, and taking care of Meerab and Meesam. Also, her presence is more peaceful to him and he is feeling in heaven.

"I'm not sleepy Murtasim. I want to have something spicy. Please", Meerab's voice disturbed him and he looked down at her to see her making a puppy face which looked very cute to him. He groaned as he was very sleepy but he couldn't sleep by breaking her heart. He rubbed his thumb on his eyes and laid Meerab's head on the bed and sat on the bed to gain the strength to walk.

Last night was exhausting for him as well, yes Meerab was tired and she used all her energy but he also couldn't sleep for a second and didn't even realize when the sun rose. He was tensed for her because he couldn't see her suffering because of him. He was afraid to lose their baby as well and he had heard children dying at birth and he couldn't afford to lose his daughter. Here Meerab slept and must be feeling fresh now but he didn't and now his eyes are drowsy because of sleep

"Let me ask the doctor first because you are on complete bed rest for at least a week", Murtasim said and walked out of the ward to ask the doctor. After a minute he entered her ward with a smile and sat beside her. He took her hand and kissed the back of her palms

"You can have it. So tell me my wife wants? I will buy that ", Murtasim asked

"Let's order from Zomato", Meerab said

"Have some shame Meerab. You are in the hospital not in our home", Murtasim said and pulled her cheeks as she looked cute when she frowned on hearing his statement. Did he just make fun of her?

"You are speaking a lot these days. Aren't you?", Meerab asked looking at him from the corner of her eyes. Murtasim smiled and looked down as he didn't have any answer and if by chance he giggled then she would take his life or she would not talk to him.

"Promise me you will come back safe. Murtasim if something happened to you then...", Murtasim didn't let her complete as he placed his finger on her soft lips

"Within 100 meters there is a restaurant so I will bring whatever you want to have ", Murtasim said to which Meerab nodded and kissed his finger

"Biryani, pizza, chilli potato, and ice cream in the desert ", Meerab replied

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