21: Hospital and Pregnancy

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"Murtasim", Meerab shouted his name and felt everything dark. She thought Murtasim got hit by the bullet and panicked. She never heard a gunshot and the thought of losing Murtasim and weakness due to pregnancy made her lose hold of herself and she fell to the ground.

"Meerab", Murtasim shouted her name and ran to save her. He dodged the shoot and saved himself but when he heard Meerab's voice and turned to answer, he saw her falling which scared him and he ran towards her. His heart started beating rapidly thinking of her condition and wondering why she fainted. He put her head on his lap and patted her cheeks softly. Tears started falling from his eyes at the thought of losing her the day he thought he had everything.

"Meerab open your eyes and look at me", Murtasim requested and his hands shivered when he felt her getting cold and his lips quivered. He wanted to shout at her to open her eyes at least once but he felt himself very weak at the moment and picked her up in his arms

His hands shivered while taking her inside the hospital and tears started rolling through his eyes. He rushed inside the hospital shouting for help and put Meerab on a stretcher and requested her again to open her eyes. His voice fumbled with nervousness and fear of losing her which made him weak to exist. He noticed the doctor coming out of her cabin on hearing his shout and he ran toward her

"Doctor check her. Tell me is she fine? ", he requested and walked with the doctor when she was taking her. He has held her hand when he placed her on the stretcher and was afraid to leave her. He can't let her go as she is in this state for the first time and that is all because of him. He intertwined thier fingers and let the doctor check her

"She was fine. What happened to her?", the doctor asked

"S... She heard a gunshot and fainted ", Murtasim told to which the doctor nodded and took Meerab to a ward for a checkup.  Soon their hands separated which broke his heart and he closed his hand into a fist inhaling her fragrance. He wiped his tears and took a long breath trying to assure himself she and baby were fine but the fear inside his heart was not letting him think anything positive. He sat on a bench and waited for the doctor to come out. The doctor came out after 10 minutes which looked like 10 hours to him. He walked towards the doctor nervously and asked

"Is she fine?", he asked

"Your wife and child both are fine. Maybe the gunshot scared her so try changing her environment and taking her out that will help. She should not faint and fall Murtasim Khan. Falling might result in baby's death", the doctor warned Murtasim which scared him but he tried keeping his expressions normal and replied

"T... this will not happen. I will take care of that. Can I meet her?", he asked

"Yes, she is unconscious and will stay unconscious for some hours", the doctor informed to which Murtasim nodded and entered the ward to see one glucose bottle and string attached to her hand. The sight broke his heart as he had never seen her too weak before but in this marriage, he made her weak. She couldn't even bear gun shot, how she survive without him?

He made her weak and killed his strong and confident Meerab. This Meerab is everything but strong which he regrets. Why did he come into her life? She deserved someone who could value her and make her more strong not a dependent girl like she is becoming. He walked towards her slowly and bent beside her taking her free hand in his and kissing the back of her palm

"Sorry, Meerab. That all happened because of me", he said in regret and laid his head on her hand and started crying remembering how she fainted. The incident scared him as he understood Zubair could do anything and now it is very essential to put him in jail. He can put him in Jail by showing today's footage but right now he knows his wife needs him. He wiped his tears hurriedly when he heard a knock sound and allowed the person to come in. At least here people are educated enough to knock, he thought and sat beside her. He thought to move away but then shrugged that idea thinking nobody would judge her and he needed to feel her beside him. Healthy and Happy.

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