2: Pregnant

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"I'm pregnant, "Meerab replied and looked down. Murtasim looked at her, shocked by the revelation.

She is pregnant, and in this state, she has been roaming outside since last month. How can she be so careless? And how can he be so immature not to realise this can also happen, and why the hell he didn't talk about this earlier on the same day? Why he went out to get some time alone when he knew it was her first time and she needed him?

"Meerab, are you sure? See, I will support you, but please don't pl...play with my feelings. Am I going to be a father?", Murtasim asked, laughing in joy in between but controlling himself as he wanted to confirm this news first. What if it was just her assumption, and in the end, she broke his hopes again?

To be honest, he doesn't believe her much after Mariyam's case. Wakas cleared his misunderstanding but still couldn't heal his wounds as Meerab broke his trust very brutally. Nobody knew that he was stopping her from taking any step, and that's why they regretted but he, he knew somewhere she was at fault. He noticed the red flags for Anas, which she didn't and insulted his love. She committed that crime on the same day when he opened his heart to her and showed his weak side to her.

Now he fears opening his heart in front of anyone. Not only do girls feel insecure, but boys also feel the same. For him, Meerab is not only his wife but his love and respect too. He could have believed her, but she lost his trust in her. Nobody can understand what he feels because he is a guy, and everyone finds a reason to point out his mistake.

"Doctor told me", Meerab replied. A tear drop fell on his hand, breaking his trance. Murtasim looked towards her and hugged her tightly, putting his weight on her and forgetting everything that had happened between them. Meerab closed her eyes tightly and let tears fall from her eyes as she got warmth and peace, which she had been missing since last month.

She can't deny the fact that she finds solace in his arms. His presence gave her peace, and his arms gave her warmth which she was missing. Finding her man supporting and calming her like always is making her feel blessed. She started to cry, thinking about the sorrow she faced from the time she left him and the regret which made it difficult for her to face him. How can she fall weak and challenge him to make her his?

"I'm so happy, Meerab", Murtasim shouted and broke the hug. He just realised that he hugged her without her permission. Again he looked down in regret thinking about his mistake. He stepped back and looked at her face to find what she wanted. Is she happy, or does she regrets everything that happened between them? As that was not only his will but her wish as well. She initiated, and he lost himself. He shouldn't have done that, but he lost his mind due to anger. He forgot his morals when she slapped and spitted on him.

"A... Aren't you happy? D... Do you regret what happened between us? D... Do you want to keep that contract?", Murtasim asked, trying hard to look normal, but his lips fumbled when talking about the contract. He wants her to end this contract between them but with her wish, not because he wants that

"I don't know what I'm feeling and what I want", Meerab replied without looking into her eyes which hurt Murtasim, and he gulped to control his tears, thinking about the possibility of what she wanted.

"A.... abortion?", He asked, looking away as he couldn't look into her eyes asking this question. He loves her a lot and will support her in every decision, but he will be broken if she wants this. He is not attached to the baby yet, but the fact she is carrying his child is enough for him to love the child. This unborn child is the symbol of their love and first child, which he doesn't want to kill. He doesn't know if he can get the courage to kill his child or not.

"No", Meerab shouted

"I want to keep our child safe. Murtasim Haya will kill...", Meerab continued further, but Murtasim interrupted her in between

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