17 : Meerab Murtasim Khan

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"I love you too but I'm scared to confess. I'm scared to lose you. What if you leave me someday? How I will handle that?", Meerab said and placed her head again on his chest thinking of thier life. She feels shy to open her heart and to romance with him but from the bottom of her heart, she has the same feelings and desires for him. With passing days her love for him is getting stronger but every problem increases her insecurities

"I know you would leave me once I turn fat as after pregnancy women turn fat and men lose thier love so it is better to keep my feelings to myself. At least it will save me from getting more hurt. I can't trust anybody for this not even you Murtasim because I have seen everybody break my expectations including you. I trust you for everything but not in this case because I know you will leave me again like others", Meerab said and held his hand in hers. She remembered the past where everybody left her when she needed someone by her side. She wanted to make herself strong enough to fight with the world alone. Strong enough to live a life without depending upon someone but this knot is making her weak. She just wants to stay in front of his eyes and want him to keep loving her

"He looks very cute while sleeping", Meerab whispered to herself and parted his cheek a little and when Murtasim didn't move, she moved close and kissed his forehead and let her lips linger on his forehead.

Murtasim froze feeling her hot lips on his forehead and her confession which was directly from her heart. His heart started beating rapidly and he felt his chest moving up and down with her hand on his chest. He felt this moment magical, this was the moment he dreamt of. He always got what he wanted from her always, this care and affection looked like a dream to him. Her tender touch makes him lose his sanity. He felt the urge to wrap her in his arms and kiss her tightly to tell her whatever she was thinking was wrong but he knows the fact that if he tried then she would deny her feelings and would lose her trust as he didn't move when she checked if he was awake or sleeping. He clutched his hand into a fist to control himself from pulling her over him.

Meerab got up and ruffled his hair softly and when she loved this feeling, she played with his hair and clicked his many pictures in different styles. Her giggling sound looked music to his ears and he prayed to hear this daily and feel her love for him every day. She was just playing with him freely not knowing what her actions were doing to him and how he was using his whole power to control himself. Her touch looked so smooth that he felt warmth lost whenever she took her hand back from his hair.

Meerab went to get ready when Murtasim moved into sleep. Which was just because he felt his patience losing and ended up moving a little to push her away if she wanted him soft on her. As he heard the door locking sound, he sat and started taking deep breaths and placed his hand on his chest to feel his raging heartbeat. How can she make him go mad every time? He knows only she has the power to drive him crazy and is the only woman who can control him. He loves being controlled by her. Again he layed and waited for her to come back and shower her love again.

When Meerab came back she noticed the quilt hanging down and she covered him and caressed his hair softly. "Thank you for giving importance to my anger ", she whispered near his ears and sat beside him. She poked on his shoulder to wake him and when he didn't move she called his name and slapped his cheek softly. Murtasim laughed at himself for his realistic acting and continued his act and yawned in sleep.

"Good morning. Do you want to kill me?", Murtasim said in a sleepy voice and pulled her towards himself slowly with her finger. Meerab pushed him which resulted him in falling and she laughed seeing him winching on the ground

"Kill you. Murtasim Khan, I will surely kill you if you try to do cheap acts. Always remember I'm Meerab ", Meerab warned and walked towards the door and stopped hearing his voice

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