8 : Fight

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"Where is your chain?", Murtasim asked shocking Meerab as she don't have any answer for this. She never asked Farukh about that chain as she sold that and felt that she don't have any rights anymore but now his question made her remember that she need to inquire Farukh about the chain and get that chain back if possible. The month which she spent there was no less than a nightmare because she was struggling to live. She was wandering in the streets, running away from the man who is in front of her.

"Vo... it is on that place where I was living before", Meerab replied not looking at him. She took her hand back remembering the night she saw him with Haya. That night still haunts her because nobody has the right to hug her husband and how he was unable to recognize her touch.

"Why you opened that?", Murtasim asked which frightened her and she felt her heartbeat rising with his question. What she is going to answer now when she has nothing to say? All her thoughts came to a halt thinking of that question which made her soul shiver. How he would react? What if he killed Farukh? What if he searched for her belongings and put Farukh in jail like he was about to do before?

"Meerab", Aneela called which alerted both of them and Murtasim moved away from Meerab and stood up in embarrassment. Yes, they are married but still, he doesn't want anybody to see them in any intimate position. He would never even allow anyone to talk about his married life as that's his personal matter. He smiled adoring the smile which adorned her face when Meerab caught a glimpse of her mother but soon vanished when Wakas entered. He looked down and moved away giving them space near Meerab to talk as they are parents. Not biological but the ones who made Meerab strong like she is today. They gave Meerab much-needed freedom, happiness, and education which she deserved.

He is glad that she was not grown up in Haveli otherwise Meerab would be the same as Haya and Mariyam who craved freedom and tricked family members to get what they want. At least Meerab didn't do anything behind thier back. She was always bold and blunt. He loves her the way she is and respects her parents who made her independent and gave her a voice to speak for herself. Also, he loves them because they got thier daughter married to him and now he can proudly call her his wife. HIS MEERAB

"Thank God ", Meerab thanked God who saved her today and smiled widely as she don't have to reply to Murtasim now. She looked towards the door and found Wakas entering and her smile vanished on seeing him as she remembered Wakas sent Murtasim away from her. She shifted uncomfortably and looked at Murtasim for help but to her bad luck, Murtasim was staring ground.

She forgave them just because of Murtasim otherwise she is still doubtful of calling them her parents again. That day feels like a nightmare for her when her parents didn't open the door for her. She can never forget that dreadful day when she was forced to hold the hand of that man who she hated the most. What if Murtasim was not there for her that day? Can they imagine what would have happened?

Yes, Wakas supported her last month when she needed him the most but still her wound is still fresh because she feared what if they left her again when she needed them. And today's incident added fuel to the fire as Wakas's reaction is not at all justified. Murtasim is her husband and they don't have any right to say anything to him.

"Are you fine ?", Wakas asked and sat beside Meerab. He put his hand softly on Meerab's head which felt blissful for Meerab. She looked down with a smile as these small gestures look so beautiful and relaxing for her soul but most of the time parents end up scolding and her being short-tempered hate everything then.

"Yes, please I hope you guys will never interfere between us. Already you have done enough so please...", Meerab was showing her irritation when Murtasim shooked his head indicating her to stop. Meerab closed her eyes gulping her anger and looked away as she is not yet satisfied with their concern and still feel their care was just an act to gain forgiveness and they don't love her. Otherwise, they would have tried hard to gain her forgiveness and talked with her hiding from ma begum. Only if their concern was real, they would have asked about her from Murtasim and would have called her to live with them for once. Just then she heard the question which she yearned to hear for a long time

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