16 : Love Vs Fear

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Meerab went to the bathroom and Murtasim took out a black 3-piece suit for him and heard the door opening and noticed his wife coming out looking down. She walked towards the cupboard pushing him aside and started finding a dress for her. She kept looking down in embarrassment as she ran without taking any clothes with her and realized when she found the bathroom empty

"You came back", Murtasim exclaimed but Meerab ignored him and continued searching for a dress and pulled one dress out which was placed back by Murtasim.

"Wear this dress", Murtasim requested by showing a black suit to her which she wore when the fake Anas family came to meet him. That day she looked irresistible and he had to take a cold bath just to control himself from pinning her into the wall and claming her his. Now for their date, he wants her to wear the same dress as he knows she can't come out wearing western and she will not wear a saree. He wants to keep the date as a surprise for her and wants her to stay comfortable in this condition.

Meerab ignored him and picked another dress and walked towards the bathroom but stopped in the middle when Murtasim said
"I know you will wear this only",. Meerab ignored him again and was about to leave but Murtasim stopped her by holding her hand and pulled her towards himself and held her waist. Meerab looked at him not understanding what he wanted to do now. What is his plan?

"I was frustrated...", Murtasim said, Meerab ignored him again and looked aside as she was hurt by his words. If he was angry then he should have controlled his anger as she was not here to bear his frustration. He placed his hand on her cheek and forced her to look at him. Meerab looked at him and then broke eye contact immediately as she felt herself drowning in his eyes. He moved towards her lips but Meerab turned her lips and pushed him lightly showing her anger and ran towards the bathroom without turning

"Show your anger but don't ignore Meerab", Murtasim shouted

"You should have thought this before pouring your frustration on me", Meerab replied after opening the door and closing it again twisting her lips. Murtasim chuckled as he knew she was not angry anymore and if she was then this must be because of pregnancy. He went out as Anwar called him and placed the dress again in the bed assuming Meerab would wear it.

When Meerab came out after getting ready, the first thing she noticed in the room was the dress. She walked towards the bed caressed that dress softly and then turned towards the mirror to ask herself. What is happening to her? Why she is turning into Murtasim's lover? Before she never thought before rejecting Murtasim's offer and always did what she wanted to do but today when she made her choice, she is not satisfied. Her heart yearned to wear what Murtasim selected for her and for the first time, she felt uncomfortable in this dress. She felt bad for rejecting his request, that might not matter but she feared what if Murtasim saw her in a different dress? He would be hurt and she doesn't want to hurt him in her ego.

"I have gone against him many times why I'm feeling suffocated in this dress? I wore this many times but today... Agrh Murtasim what you have done to me?", she said to herself and heard the door knocking sound. She replied yes and noticed Murtasim entering the room. She widened her eyes in shock as she noticed Murtasim staring at her and checking her out. She felt her heartbeat rising in fear, she knew he would not do anything or would not say anything but still she felt nervous and scared when he saw her in a different dress.

"Anwar chacha wants to meet you and if possible please be polite ", Murtasim said and placed the dress inside the cupboard without saying anything and left without wasting a second as he knew she would not reply

When he placed the dress back Meerab felt his pain and walked towards the cupboard. She took the same dress out and traced her hand softly on the dress.  This black dress is her favourite and she wears it at events. She remembered his love and support for her which made her smile. She decided to wear it today as she can still show anger in this dress but she will not be able to meet her eyes with him if she rejects his request.

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