5 : Leave

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"Ok fine you can call and tell them", Meerab responded not knowing if she is right or wrong. She doesn't know if she should trust him with Haya or not but for other things, she knows that Murtasim is right and he will not think something bad for her. But his question perplexed her as to why he asked this question abruptly at midnight.

"Tell me why you went. Murtasim... Murtasim ", before she should ask further she heard a beep sound and realised he already declined the call. She threw her mobile phone angrily. Why he never listens to her? Now she wanted to know what happened and why he left but this stupid guy declined the call like she mean nothing to him.

"Hugh idiot ", Meerab cursed him in her mind and tried to sleep knowing he will not come now but sleep was far away from her eyes. Curiosity kills and this curiosity is making her go mad. Her mind already started to think of many possibilities. What if Haya again cut her wrist? What if Haya did something which forced him to go back? Or maybe Mariyam came back but that probability is very less

"He is an idiot. How I will survive with this anxiety ? ", Meerab thought and got up from the bed as she is getting restless thinking about the probabilities. She again tried calling him but his phone is switched off adding fuel to the fire. She walked towards the terrace and sat on the floor admiring the moon and stars. She remembers how she used to love spending the night with her father and he would tell her stories. Fairytale stories also looked interesting to her and dreamt of a prince which faded with time but now she started to think of it again

Yes, she is angry at him but that doesn't change the fact that she has mixed feelings for Murtasim. She won't accept she loves him but she can't deny that she accepts him as her partner and doesn't find him bad now. She used to hate him before but from the time he supported her and took a stand for her, he became the man she dreamt of.

She forgave her parents for him but she is still hesitant to think of them. Their faces remind her of the betrayal she faced when she begged to complete her dreams. Her dreams are still incomplete and maybe they will be incomplete forever. The fact made a tear roll from her eyes. Why her? Why her life took a U-turn? Why her parents broke her trust?

"Bibi ji please come down. You will catch a cold", Meerab heard a voice coming from the gate and noticed one lady standing near the door which startled her. She took a sigh of relief when realised that she is safe and there is no ghost there. She wiped her lone tear and passed a smile towards that woman who was waiting for her. Meerab walked downstairs carefully thinking about her unborn child who will meet his parents after 8 months.

She came back to the room and sat on the bed. She noticed the time which is 3: 00 am. Her mouth opened wide in shock realising that she was at the terrace for a long time. What should have done when she is getting restless thinking about why he left suddenly? Moreover, they still have misunderstandings to clear and she will clear them by hook or crook.

"You can sleep now", Meerab told that lady and gestured for her to go. Lady nodded and went leaving Meerab alone. She placed her head on the headboard trying hard not to overthink but again her mind was filling up with many thoughts. To overcome that she started talking with her child and did not realise when she slept

In the morning Murtasim came back and directly headed towards the room where his wife must be sleeping. He entered the room and noticed her sleeping in a very uncomfortable position. He didn't know the reason but it looked like she left in deep slumber while sitting and talking with someone and then fell onto bed. He first pulled her down by her legs and then held her face in his hands to make her lay comfortably but stiffened when she opened her eyes.

"Not again", he thought and immediately left her face and stepped back fearing her anger and fight again.

"Sorry... I... Was just changing your position as you were about to fall. You were sleeping in U shape and it would hurt your back and ...", Murtasim was explaining himself but Meerab interrupted him in middle

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