12 : Insecurities

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Meerab kept looking at him after finishing her prayer as he looked so cute to her. His face looked so relaxed while praying and his smile took her heart away. She never stared at him like this before because when she stared at him once, he teased her and after that, she didn't look at him but now she have got a chance. After accepting him as her husband, she felt sudden attraction towards him and an unknown sensation in her body whenever he came close to her. She never found any man good-looking like him. He looks handsome like a Greek God. She wondered how his beard would feel like. And his hair, she wanted to change his hairstyle and check how he would look in messy hair.

Murtasim opened his eyes and found her looking at him and smiled knowing the fact that she adores him now. Her eyes say it all otherwise he would have never believed that she could ever like him. Meerab noticed him opening his eyes and she understood what was coming next because of his smile and before he could start teasing her she talked about Haya just to distract him. She knows he didn't go there to meet her but right now distracting him looked more important than anything else.

"Mil aae apni Haya se", Meerab asked hiding her smile knowing he would get irritated hearing her name As expected Murtasim's smile faded and he glared at her

"Is taking her name important? Stop bringing her between us", Murtasim said angrily and started walking out in anger. Meerab groaned in frustration seeing her short-tempered husband who got angry in such a small matter but she was no less and she continued to tease him

"I said one word against her and you are so angry. Too much love for her isn't?", Meerab asked which made Murtasim stop in his tracks and he looked back to see her standing with a frown. He walked towards her and went close to her leaving an inch gap between them which alerted Meerab and she took one step back to make distance

"Meerab stop it otherwise ", Murtasim warned taking one step ahead and Meerab took one step backward. She looked behind and noticed there was no wall, just people who were praying and walking with their families. She looked into his eyes fiercely and replied

"Otherwise what? I'm not scared of you", Meerab said to which Murtasim chuckled. He knows she is not scared of him and he doesn't want to do anything to scare her. He won't be able to handle fear of him in her eyes. He wants her eyes to reflect the same affection and love, not fear so it's good that she is not scared of him. He smirked as he got an idea of how to force Meerab to ask forgiveness willingly and he took a step forward and grabbed her wrist. He put her wrist behind her back and pulled her towards him

Due to the sudden pull, Meerab's body crashed with his and her eyes widened in shock at his sudden action. She started to look at her surroundings as they were in a public place where this was not allowed. But her body melted in his touch and his proximity made her feel weak to speak even a word. His scent felt so intoxicating and she felt the urge to wrap her arms around his. She would have hugged him if they were not in a public place. His touch sent shivers in her body and she started taking long breaths. She can't believe she is the same Meerab who used to make fun of the word love because she is in love with her husband and finds it difficult to resist his charm. Just like he used to say "Mahobbat jati ni jati pta chal jati hai, btao bhi ni jati mehsus ho jati hai". She felt her love for him which became her weakness over time

"Murtasim we are in a public place please leave me", Meerab requested. She wanted to shout but her voice came as a mere whisper as she couldn't voice it loud because of his proximity. This man will kill her someday with his charm and shawl.

"Say sorry ", Murtasim said with a smirk and moved close to her ear which made Meerab feel tickling on her stomach she pressed her lips together to control herself from moaning his name in public and she gathered the courage to say sorry as that's what he needs right now.

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