7: Your dreams are mine now

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"Murtasim f... first listen to me. Me and Rohail have nothing to do with eachother ", Meerab replied ruining his mood and he took his hand back in disappointment. Was the mention of Rohail's name important? Especially when he is asking about her choices and her consent

"Understood. Can we drop this matter for now?", Murtasim asked but Meerab spooked her head

"What is your problem Murtasim? Why don't you listen to me? Do you want me to prove my innocence by jumping from the terrace again?", Meerab asked angrily. She is a short-tempered girl and she thought he will listen to her and will let her explain herself but he don't. How can he think that she can have a relationship with Rohail?

"Sorry please don't think of that even. Meerab I have got you and that is enough for me. You said you have nothing to do with him and... I'm ok with that", Murtasim replied and looked away as he is unsure of his last line. He doesn't know if he has a problem with her friends or not because he is insecure. What if she leaves him? Just like last time. Every time she runs away from her problems and throws him in it. He was ok with her rudeness and ignorant behaviour but Rohail's interruption in his married life is what troubled him

"You are lying. Aren't you?", Meerab asked as she noticed him looking away while speaking to her otherwise always he looks into her eyes. His eyes looks so beautiful and hopeful whenever he looked at her. She don't know how but she had started to understand him and noticed him. But the main problem is he never notices her efforts and her behaviour. She is not stiff like she was before. She doesn't stop him to hold her and she believes him. When Mariyam refused to believe him, she believed her husband because she knew he was not lying. She felt guilty for breaking his trust and if she looks from his side, she understands that it is not easy to trust someone again.

She knew she broke something which she never meant to. He thinks that she did everything deliberately but that's not the truth. She was dumb and believed Mariyam and thought Murtasim is denying it because he likes Naurez. How can she break his heart deliberately when she can't see his tears? Her heart bleeds seeing him crying and upset with her. When he will start understanding her? Why can't he see that she feels his pain? If she can't express anything why he is ignoring the softness in her eyes?

"No... It's fine", Murtasim fumbled while lying again and Meerab understood his lie. She felt proud that she can understand someone without him saying anything. Why can't he understand her as well? He admits his love but when it comes to faith why does he back off? But alas till he is near her, she has time to speak and this time she will clear his misunderstanding

"I told him about our contract that's why he was asking about the contract but I want to live with you. Do you want me to explain about Mariyam case as well? As you don't believe me and that day claimed that you do", Meerab asked to which Murtasim shook his head

"I know you were innocent. I left you at your home because I was also bound by a promise which I gave to my mother otherwise I can never let you go away Meerab. I don't know till when you are going to stay with me but I'm sure of the thing that I had enough of now. I can't handle one more heartbreak. You broke my trust on the same day I asked you to support me. How I was supposed to believe you that day?

When you were angry, I became polite to talk with you and tried to make you happy. Whenever you saw me with Haya, I... Showered love to prove myself but when it came to you. You showed a double attitude. Can't you understand that you need to talk with me softly when I'm angry? Can't you at least for once say "Murtasim I have only one man in my life"? Is it too much to ask for?", Murtasim stopped and noticed her eyes welling up. He rubbed his forehead in anger as he was not supported to speak all this when he made it clear to his mind to believe her. He didn't intend to make her cry.

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