14: Be mine

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Soon they reached their room and Meerab walked towards the closet to check if he kept cigarettes in his pockets or not. Murtasim sensed her anger and understood what she was doing so he walked towards her and held her shoulder softly. Meerab turned towards him swiftly and looked into his eyes with anger. She wants to snap at him asking what does he want from his life? He is well-educated and still smokes. Why? 

"Brought one piece today so you will not find any cigarette here. And I will never smoke if you hate it", Murtasim said to which Meerab nodded and turned her face aside as her anger cooled down. She wondered how she changed otherwise she would have never believed him if this situation had arisen before. Her heart believed him but she is not happy with the changes she is seeing in her nature. She feels that she is falling weak in love and might convert into a weak Meerab soon if he continues his behavior like this

"Don't be angry Meerab. I... I promise I will not touch it", Murtasim pleased and dragged her towards the bed and helped her to sit comfortably on the bed. He knows Meerab finds difficulty in standing and walking so whenever he gets a chance, he helps her and Meerab never stops him because she knows she needs him so badly. Last month looked difficult for her as every time she kept on missing him and complaining about his ignorant behavior toward the baby.

As he saw Meerab lost in her thoughts, he thought she was still upset because of him and he bent in front of her and took her hands in his. Meerab looked at him and thier eyes met. Meerab felt her heartbeat rising finding him close to her. She is not yet satisfied with his comeback as they were unable to spend time with eachother and now when they have got night to spend and share thier feelings Murtasim started to smoke which she hates. She hated cigarettes from childhood as she was taught the harmful effects and Wakas also warned his relatives not to smoke at home which she heard. Also one of her uncles died which increased her hate for cigarettes but now she is scared of cigarettes. She can never lose him because he is very precious to her

"Talk to me, please. I came back just for you. Don't you want to hug me? I was dying for you", Murtasim told her desperately and moved a step closer to her. Meerab shook her head and moved her hand towards his lips to stop him from speaking further but Murtasim caught her hand and kissed the back of her palm. Meerab looked down shyly as her cheeks started to heat and her breaths became uneven. She waited for him to take steps as she still couldn't get the courage to pull him into a hug. She is not bold enough to show her emotions, she is not even expressive and could show her undying love for him because her heart is insecure. What if they got separated by destiny? No, they can't.

Murtasim noticed a change and understood that she wanted to hug him back but was hesitating. Her red cheeks and tiny smile told him to pull his wife in his embrace. Murtasim left her hand as he wanted her to hug him back and looked at her to see if it mattered if he left her hand. Just like he felt he lost warmth and her reaction looked worth watching as Meerab opened her eyes wide and then he noticed her smile fading away. He shook his head and moved his hand towards her face, he tucked her loose hair strand behind her ear moved closer towards her, and smiled when Meerab smiled with his gesture. Now she felt she got her home, and her husband back.

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