13 : Wild Life Photographer

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Leap of 5 months

Meerab is sitting on the bed thinking about her moments spent with Murtasim. He is a light to her dark life. She never thought somebody would love her so much that she would crave a mere touch. She is 6 months pregnant and her baby bump is growing. Murtasim takes care of her like a glass doll and treats her like a queen which makes her too lazy and habitual of his pampering. He sits with her daily and tells her about his day which she loves because in thier relationship Murtasim is the one who speaks a lot and she keeps listening to him. Even though he always asks her to speak as he wants to listen to her she loves hearing his voice. Whenever he talks with her baby bump, she feels blessed to have him with her and admires him. She knows he will be the best father.

For the past 5 months, Murtasim never moved forward in thier relationship which sometimes makes her feel insecure and sometimes she feels blessed to have a husband like him. With a growing belly, her Insecurities grew more which was creating havoc between them as Meerab stopped arguing with him. She either left the room or acted sleeping to avoid a further fight with him as she couldn't bring herself to ask Murtasim to sleep on the bed. They are yet to know eachother completely enough to reject an order. Most of the time it is Murtasim who forgets to fight and start a conversation with her.

But now everything seems difficult for Meerab as her belly is growing and she feels Murtasim will lose interest in her. Malik Zubair added fuel to her growing insecurities as he called Murtasim more often and Murtasim never rejected which scared Meerab as Murtasim seemed tense from the time he came back after meeting Malik Zubair. She feels that if she is happy and everything starts getting normal in her life then something worse is meant to happen. Just like last time when she was about to accept Murtasim and Zubair called Murtasim back. She thanked Allah that they didn't move forward in thier relationship otherwise she would have lost her Murtasim. Murtasim didn't tell her what Zubair wanted from him which tensed her more as every day she lived with a fear of losing him

This time they fought because Murtasim went to Haveli for a month for Haya's wedding with Muneeb. She doesn't know how Haya agreed but she is happy that finally she is getting married. She wants to slap Haya and punish her but Murtasim is not answering any calls which boils her anger. How can he ignore her?

"This man is testing my patience", Meerab thought and heard a knock on the door. Soon she heard a door opening sound and noticed Aneela's face. Her face fell thinking of another night without Murtasim. She passed a smile to Aneela and gestured for Aneela to sit beside her. Her relationship with her parents became strong as slowly she understood that they were helpless and now she love them a lot now. She placed her head on Aneela's lap and closed her eyes missing him. It's been a month since they talked and met. Sometimes they talked on phone calls but for meant it meant nothing because he didn't meet her. She was craving for his touch and was feeling insecure. The fear of losing him was taking a toll on her head and she felt very low.

"What happened to her? ", Murtasim asked entering the room. The door was open and he became worried when he saw Meerab sleeping on Aneela's lap. He ran towards Meerab and touched her forehead softly to check her fever but flinched in fear when Meerab sat and shot a glare at him in anger

"Maa you can go now", Meerab said and waited till Aneela went and pushed Murtasim away from bed angrily

"Why you came now?", Meerab asked twisting her lips in anger. Murtasim chuckled seeing his cute grumpy wife and kneeled in front of her

"To meet my wife and to take her back where she belongs. Don't you want to go back?", Murtasim said which melted Meerab's anger. She wondered if she was ready to go back or not.

Murtasim sat beside Meerab when he realized that she was not angry anymore as he was tired and his legs pained when he kneeled. He now knows very well how to calm his wild tigress. He knows about her anger issues and take them normally as not only men can get angry on silly matters, but even woman can.

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