11 : Engaged

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Long chapter ahead 🤗🤗. Happy reading ❤️

The next day Meerab woke up and checked the room to find herself alone. Last night Murtasim asked her to sleep and went to talk with Wakas and till she was awake he didn't come. She didn't even know if he came back here or not as she didn't sense him. She thought he would sleep with her tonight but it seemed like she was sleeping alone which confused her. She checked her mobile phone for any message from him and found none.

"Ma where is Murtasim?", Meerab asked

"He left early in the morning because Ma Begum was calling him and you were sleeping", Aneela replied as Murtasim informed them before leaving. He went at 4 am which was too early but they couldn't say anything as Murtasim told them nobody knew about Meerab and Ma Begum called him back. They got their daughter back which was enough and they didn't argue further

"Ok... I am going to meet Saba in an hour", Meerab said and got up to get ready. She wore her slippers and walked towards the dressing table to find it empty. She remembered she didn't have anything here because her parents shifted everything to the store room which pinched her heart.

"And yes if possible please put my belongings in my room till I'm here", Meerab said and was about to move towards the washroom but stopped hearing Aneela's explanation

"Meerab beta we are sorry for putting everything in the store room. Wakas...", Aneela tried explaining herself but Meerab showed her hand in irritation as she didn't believe in that lame excuse. Even if her father missed her, that doesn't mean they will shift her belongings to the store room. Every daughter leaves thier maternal house so for her this excuse is lame

"Please don't give explanations because I'm not a child to believe it. One day I had to leave because of marriage and that doesn't mean putting everything in the store room. People keep the belongings of a person safe even after that person dies but you treated me like trash and showed your love", Meerab said and left to change. She already had enough and now she don't want to hear any more excuses.

She wore the same dress that she wore twice when she visited here because that made her remember all the miseries she faced here and also kept her strong. She reminds her mind always about the person who was there for her when she needed him and who left her. She picked up her dupatta and went to meet Saba

Murtasim reached at 6 am and saw his mother sleeping so he went to his room and sat on the couch. He looked at the bed and recalled his recent moments with Meerab on the bed. His lips curved into a smile thinking about her and missing his beautiful wife. His bed miss her but he knows till Haya is here he can't do anything. He started to miss her already and spent time thinking about Meerab and reading articles about babies. He was perplexed to know that their lovemaking could harm the baby as well. Even though it is not in the first 3 months but he is afraid to take any risk because he is attached to his unborn child.

He always dreams of spending his life with his child and is very excited to meet his child and pick his first child in his arms. That mere thought is enough for him to feel goosebumps. His life without Meerab was simple and too hectic because of work pressure but after meeting her he never felt pressure because one look in her eyes takes all his workload away. After falling in love, he realized that he didn't need a reason to smile. Reading these articles gave him peace as he learnt many new things and decided to take more information from Aneela. He can't ask his mother as he is afraid of lies. He feels a pang inside his heart when he lies to his mother because his mother always taught him to tell the truth. He closed his laptop immediately when he heard a door opening sound and looked towards the door to find his mother standing with a maid with a trolley

"Aslam e walikum ma", Murtasim greeted his mother and walked towards her. He hugged his mother and closed his eyes recalling his meeting with Meerab. He is so happy because of the news and his soul is urging him to tell Ma Begum about Meerab's pregnancy but he is bound by promise and he can't say anything. The happiness is beyond limits but the guilt is extreme which will keep eating him till he gives the news of his unborn baby to his mother.

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