22: First kick

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Meerab smiled and gave her hand to him. Already her soul is intertwined with him and his permission looks like a formality to her. He is the best part of her life which she is afraid to lose. She kept looking at him as his eyes looked so beautiful and innocent. She feels lucky to have him as her husband and wants to spend her whole life with him. She showed him this video because she dreamt of them dancing on this video and wanted to dance with him but she was hesitant to ask the same and showed the video to him.

Murtasim rubbed his thumb on the back of her hand and pulled her towards himself. Meerab bumped on his chest and placed her hand on his shoulder. Murtasim brought her close and pushed both of her hands behind her back. Meerab started taking heavy breaths when he came close and placed his chin on her shoulder. She felt her body going numb and she stumbled as she lost control over herself when his lips touched her neck

"Let's dance", he whispered near her ear and moved back. He opened his mobile phone and played "Mai Agar kahu " song.

"Is it fine?", Murtasim asked to which Meerab nodded

"But we will do these steps and will make a video too", Meerab requested to which he nodded and opened the video to check the video of a couple dancing to another song but the steps had more of a girl twirling around the man and also holding his fingers

"We will cut these extra twirling steps because you are not well. We just returned from the hospital", Murtasim said

"I was not sick. I fainted because of you. I was very scared Murtasim. Tumhain khone ke dar se he roh kaamp uthti hai. That's why I want to enjoy as much as I can till you are with me. I don't want to regret anything in the future ", Meerab said placing her hand on his chest and making patterns on his chest

"Understood that you are fine but I feel uneasy with these steps and I will not go anywhere ", he lied as he couldn't afford her twirling in this condition. She might vomit or faint which is very harmful for her and he can't even say no to dance. How can he miss a chance to create another memory with her? How can he let go of the opportunity to hold her in his arms tight with his right?

"You should not and remember you are not allowed to meet Zubair otherwise I will never talk to you and will never let you touch me. I will become old Meerab then. Haath lgake dikhana fir", Meerab warned when by chance Murtasim's hand touched the back button and the YouTube app closed, and while opening YouTube his hand touched the phone call button

"Understood. Anything else?", Murtasim asked

"You will not go anywhere without bodyguards. And stay here as much you can", Meerab ordered to which he hummed and opened YouTube again and asked for Meerab's mobile phone to learn the steps.

 And stay here as much you can", Meerab ordered to which he hummed and opened YouTube again and asked for Meerab's mobile phone to learn the steps

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They revised the steps and Murtasim asked for her hand again. When Meerab placed her hand on his hand and another on his shoulder, he pulled her close again and started to move following the beat of the song. When the best changed Meerab changed the steps and twirled with him placing her hand on her back. She kept looking at him, she found his unconditional love for him, and with each twirl, she noticed his expressions changing and understood that he was worried for her which made her smile.

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